Master those Fluid Boxes!

Intro A while ago I published a post explaining the setup of the Quizzing Master slides, compulsory parts of each theme, even the almost empty Blank theme. In this article I will try to explain my experiences using Fluid Boxes on Content Master slides. Most themes shipped with Captivate have several content master slides (exception = Blank theme). Let us first start with the master slides that are not behaving like the content or quiz master slides. Main master slide, Blank and […]

Secrets of Timeline(s) in Captivate – Intro

Intro Happy New Year 2017 to all Captivate users! Quite a while ago I wrote an article about Timeline secrets in Captivate 5: Tiny Timeline Tidbits Since the change in the UI with Captivate 8 , the newbie User Interface minimizes the Timeline panel by default which is really a pity (personal opinion). Some of the questions I read, at least partially due to that decision to hide the Timeline:  ‘I want to get rid of the timeline, don’t need it […]

Have fun with.. While loop

Introduction In a previous blog post I explained the ins and outs of the new Advanced Actions dialog box. If you feel confused about my terminology in this more practical blog post, please read that first article. A decision block of type ‘While’ is totally new in version 2017. It has some similarities with the Conditional decision block (IF, Then, Else) but offers new possibilities as you’ll see in this simple game.  The While loop can be used to create […]

Built in States for Drag&Drop objects

Intro With Captivate 9 multistate objects was one of the most welcome new features. In previous versions only buttons and shape buttons had states like ‘Rollover’ (hover) and ‘Down’. Interactive objects like buttons/shape buttons have InBuilt States: ‘Normal’, ‘Rollover’, Down and with Captivate 2017 a fourth InBuilt state was added: ‘Visited’. For all objects, static or interactive, you can create custom states.. Less known is the presence of InBuilt states for all objects in a Drag&Drop slide, both for drag […]

Repairing/Editing Themes in CP2017

Why this short post? If you have read my article about the 3 most important stumbling blocks for Captivate (newbie) users, you’ll know that Themes are amongst them.  The components of themes are described in What’s in a Theme/template. and in this post you’ll learn about he use of Theme colors. Almost daily I see questions, comments on the forums like “I don’t use a theme” which is  – sorry for the word – nonsense because every project is based on a theme. The theme […]

Library? Which Library?

Intro Reusability in Captivate is one of this tool’s most amazing features,  but a lot of the possibilities (often time-saving) are not very well known by (starting) users. When I mention the word  ‘external library’ in a presentation I see a lot of confused eyes among the participants.  Even recently, based on an answer on the forums, someone sent me a message: ‘What are you talking about, never heard about external libraries in Captivate, where can I find them?’. Time […]

Why does Captivate need THREE Eye Buttons?

Title is not an nostalgic reference to the best spreadsheet application ever (Lotus 1-2-3) but is related to… Captivate. The THREE ‘eye buttons’ in Captivate are a source of confusion because they have exactly the same look (contrary to my image above) but show very different functionality. Questions due to that confusion appear not as frequently as the timeline misunderstanding questions, but nevertheless think that a clear explanation could help to dissipate confusion: 1. Eye button on the Timeline This […]

Fluidize your Quizzes

Intro When publishing my first reflections on Fluid Boxes work flow versus Breakpoint View work flow I didn’t mention my expectations for a smoother creation of Quiz slides using FB’s. In my experience with responsive projects in previous versions, the most frustrating part were those (damned?) quiz slides. You are probably aware of the very strict rules to honor for quiz slides: need to be careful with ’embedded’ objects which include functionality that can be broken. Styling quiz/score slides is […]

Advanced Actions Outfit since CP2017

This blog post explains the ins and outs of the new, improved Advanced Actions dialog box. It is valid for CP2017 and more recent versions.

Pausing Timeline: Interactive Video Buttons

Intro When I posted the article about Pausing the Timeline (part of the sequence of articles about that most important panel), I promised to add some use cases to illustrate using pause and pausing points. Let us start with a  simple use case, based on a recent forum question in this thread: Interactive Video Buttons Use Case – description It is clear that the user is not aware of the difference between pausing the timeline by an interactive object (pausing point) and by […]

Cheat with Reference points!

Intro The origin of this article is (again) due to a forum question: “I want to rotate a triangle around a certain point” using the Rotation effect. It is time to explain the importance of the reference or registration point for objects in Captivate. In other Adobe applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Animate you have lot of control over that point. Look at this small screenshot: it shows that reference point in two different locations. Sorry for the low resolution, it […]

Creative with Quizzing System Variables

Intro In my last post I mentioned that, based on the visits to my blog posts, Quizzes in Captivate seem to be one of the stumbling blocks for newbies. Most of the quizzing blog posts with focus on default quiz slides are already pretty old. More recently I have been talking about new features like Branch aware and Knowledge Check Slides. The most visited post on my blog will be updated in a near future, to accommodate recent changes in Captivate. The present […]