Follow the steps to enable the L1 feedback by selecting ‘Make all questions mandatory.’ To enable L1 feedback, navigate to the Instance defaults at the course level as admin to select the radio button ‘Make All Questions Required.’ Once enabled under instance defaults, kindly Apply Default Settings at the Instance level. Step 1: Admin >> Course >> Instance Defaults >> Edit >> Make All Questions Required. Step 2: Admin >> Course >> Instance >> Apply Default Settings Instance Defaults for enabling the Radio […]
Admins and Authors will now be able to set up rules for awarding gamification points at the course and course instance levels. Earlier, rules for awarding gamification points were configurable only by Admins at the account level. Workflow with the new Feature update: Different courses can be awarded different points values and learners can be incentivized to take optional courses. Learners can be incentivized to prefer a particular instance of a course over other instances. The gamification rules can be […]
The new Compliance Widget on the learner homepage provides a quick graphical overview of a learner’s progress on all courses with a deadline. Learners can view their learning objects that are overdue, on track, and have upcoming deadlines in the next 7 days. They will be able to take action right from the Compliance Widget. Compliance Widget workflow: 1. When a learner clicks on below categories the list of corresponding courses is displayed with a due date. Overdue Upcoming within next […]
Multi-enrollment support for Learners: Adobe Learning Manager has introduced multi-enrollment for learners that allows you to enroll in more than one instance of a course at one or different time periods. Irrespective of the states – enrolled, completed, and not enrolled- can take the course in other instances. Learners can also consume the content of the course from multiple instances at the same time. Each instance has its own progress. Follow the below steps to enable the Multiple Enrollments: Author […]
User creation workflow using APIs. Steps to be followed: Log in as an Integration Admin >> Developer Resources >> API Reference. Navigate to the user : Set of User APIs. Select POST /users Pass the Parameter (response body) as shown below. Example Value: { “data”: { “type”: “user”, “attributes”: { “email”: “”, “fields”: { “Company”: “Test”, “Department”: “Management”, “Country”: “India” }, “name”: “API Test user”, “profile”: “Lead”, “roles”: [ “Learner”, “Admin” ], “state”: “ACTIVE”, “userType”: “INTERNAL”, “userUniqueId”: “56789” }, “relationships”: […]
Overview Create assessments within the Adobe Learning Manager with the new quiz creation tool on the Content Library page. The assessments created become part of the Content Library and can be added to a “public” folder for course reusability. Steps to follow: 1. Log in to Adobe Learning Manager as an Author. 2. Select Content Library in the left panel. 3. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select Add > Quiz. 4. In the Create Quiz page, enter the quiz’s name and description. […]
In accordance with the implementation logic date provided when creating the Learner Transcript report, it means if there have been any actions taken on Learning Objects in this period. Therefore, they are not only related to enrollment dates, start dates, and others. When we apply a filter, the data is filtered using those time ranges in our entire database. It applies not only to the “enrollment” or “completion” date but also to other data columns in our database that are […]
Adobe Learning Manager provides a customization where you can upload your own custom Certificate, which is downloadable for the learner through his “badges” portal. The requirements for a custom certificate are as follows: The certificate needs to be in a plain HTML format. All the content need to be in a zip file containing the HTML page and the assets i.e., the CSS file, images, etc. Once you have created the certificate using the HTML & CSS properties, kindly contact […]
To change/update the user’s email address. Please follow the steps below: Login as Administrator. Navigate to users section. Click on Internal users. Search for the user you want to change the name and click on them. Click on Edit (the pencil button as shown below): 6. Update the new email and click on save. 7. The New email address will be updated with the old learning history. Alternatively, Admins can also update the user email address in the CSV file […]
Learner Transcript (LT) Report using Job APIs Workflow: Log in as an Integration Admin >> Developer Resources >> API Reference. Navigate to job : Set of Job APIs Select POST /jobs Post below on the Body parameter: Pass the user group and catalog ID value for the specific user groups you would like to generate a learner transcript. { “data”: { “type”: “job”, “attributes”: { “description”: “LT”, “jobType”: “generateLearnerTranscript”, “payload”: { “fromDate”: “2022-07-01T18:30:00.000Z”, “toDate”: “2022-09-14T18:30:00.000Z”, “userGroups”: “8116645”, “includeModuleLevelDetails”: “true”, “enrollmentStatus”: “selectAll” […]
Introduction ALM now supports native extensibility, allowing users to set up custom experiences within the native version of Adobe Learning Manager. This feature enables the creation of custom widgets/apps placed at various points in the learner, manager, admin, author, or instructor workflow. Native Extensions Overview ALM supports 15 native extensions across Admin, Author, Learner, Manager, and Instructor Apps. Admin, Author: Course, Learning Path – Instances – Instance row Admin, Author, Manager: Course, Learning Path, Certification – Preview as Learner Admin, […]