Forums Have Changed

When I first learned about Lieve Weymeis, I was a fan and only knew her as Lilybiri. She had an answer for everything asked about Adobe Captivate. She went above and beyond what was expected of any user to answer questions from the community. 

All-New Adobe Captivate – Infinite Scrolling Project Best Practices

In this video, I show you some best practices for creating infinite scrolling projects in the All-New Adobe Captivate.

All-New Adobe Captivate – Play Pause Button Tutorial

Learn to create a play/pause button in the All-New Adobe Captivate for seamless elearning course interaction.

All-New Adobe Captivate – Custom Accordion Interaction with Images and Audio

In this video, I show you how to create a custom accordion interaction with images and audio for each click.

All-New Adobe Captivate – User Voice

Learn how you can provide feedback to shape future releases of the software.
▪️ User feedback is crucial in improving Adobe Captivate
▪️ Provide feedback quickly through the “Help” menu
▪️ Access the user forum at
▪️ Track the status of your feedback, from backlog to implementation
▪️ Communicate your ideas to influence future Captivate features

All-New Adobe Captivate – Custom Flip Card Interaction with Audio

In this video, I show you how to create a flip card interaction that includes audio in the all-new Adobe Captivate.

All-New Adobe Captivate – Custom Question with an Image

In this video, I show you how to create your own custom question slide in Adobe Captivate with an image related to the question.

Add Your Company Logo to Your All-New Adobe Captivate eLearning Project

Add Your Company Logo to Your All-New Adobe Captivate eLearning Project

All-New Adobe Captivate – Custom Click to Reveal with Audio

In this comprehensive tutorial, I take you through the step-by-step process of building a dynamic click-to-reveal interaction using the all-new Adobe Captivate. Whether you want to create advanced interactions, implement forced navigation, or add audio elements seamlessly, this guide covers it all!

Adobe Acrobat – Updates to AI Assistant

While I don’t normally think about Adobe Acrobat as an eLearning tool, the new updates to the Acrobat AI Assistant are ideal if you need to perform a needs analysis for your eLearning project’s subject matter experts and stakeholders. In this video, I review this exciting new feature.

All-New Adobe Captivate – Add a Progress indicator

This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to add a progress indicator in the all-new Adobe Captivate.

Use Local Storage to Share Captivate Variables Between Projects

In this video, I show you how to export the contents of a user variable, such as a student name, to your browser’s local storage and then recall the contents of that local storage in another Adobe Captivate 12 project. This is a great way to personalize an eLearning course by frequently using the learner’s names throughout many modules. This video is a solid introduction to JavaScript in the All-New Adobe Captivate.