In this video tutorial, I show you my solution for a multiple-choice question that not only uses an All of the Above Answer but shuffles the other answers as well.
In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I show you a way you can use Shared Actions to save yourself some time writing Advanced Actions by reusing the Shared Action for different objects and multistate objects.
I’m working on a project for an upcoming project that uses fluid box responsive design and drag and drop interaction. It works as expected on a Samsung S7 phone, an iPhone 8 Plus, and on Desktop, but due to the fact that the Safari browser on the current version of iPadOS uses swiping up and swiping to refresh the page, drag and drop doesn’t function at all. I’m running Adobe Captivate on a Windows 10 PC with all browsers […]
In this Livestream, I will review all the options that you should be using and the ones you should avoid when publishing your Adobe Captivate eLearning course.
In this video tutorial, I show you how I would manage a simulated text popup in my fluid box responsive design eLearning project in Adobe Captivate.
In this Adobe Captivate tutorial, I show you how you can update your legacy eLearning courses by identifying and replacing components that are not compatible with HTML5. In this example, I take a course that included SWF based animations and use the HTML5 Tracker to quickly find those unsupported items and eliminate them.
If you’ve built a few drag and drops with immediate captions you know that by default you don’t get unique or specific feedback when items have been dragged to a drop target. In this video tutorial, I’ll show you a method to provide unique or specific feedback for each drag and drop for both correct and incorrect captions.
In this Livestream, I want to hear from you what you would like to see in the next major release of Adobe Captivate. I will also share with you my thoughts about this question as well.