Certified Online Training Professional Certificate

This year I’ve decided to not work on my eLearning design and development skills but rather my skills as an online training professional. My main business is designing and developing eLearning, but I’m still a professional facilitator. Like most of us, I got my start in the classroom. Since my clients are located all over the globe, online training makes sense for both my clients and me.

Troubleshoot Fluid Box Design in Adobe Captivate | Aug 19, 12:00 PM EDT | 16:00 UTC

Join me for my next live stream on Monday, August 19, 2019, at 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC. 

Mobile Learning using Ready-to-go slides and Fluid Boxes

Looking to design a course from scratch within a short time? Join Paul Wilson at Adobe Learning Summit on October 3, 2019, to learn how to rapidly create an eLearning course using the ready-to-go slides from Adobe Captivate.

Adobe Captivate 2019 Update 3

Here is a quick overview of the new Adobe Captivate 2019 Update 3 release. Here are the release notes from the video and from Adobe: https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/release-note/adobe-captivate-2019-update-3-release-notes.html

Panel Undocking Issue Discovered in Video Demo Edit Mode

Here is my workaround for what I’m calling a bug in the Adobe Captivate Video Demo Edit mode related to the panel undocking and redocking capabilities.

Panel Undocking Tips in Adobe Captivate

I decided to do this video tutorial in order to answer a viewer question about her difficulty in redocking her timeline. I thought this might be a problem for other users as well. While I have other tutorials on panel undocking, I thought there might be a need for an up to date tutorial with some additional hints and tips.

Deliver Your eLearning Projects On-Time | Aug 5, 12:00 PM EDT | 16:00 UTC

In this eLearning Livestream, I will be sharing my strategies for meeting your deadlines for your eLearning design and development projects. Join me Monday at 12 PM EDT or 14:00 UTC. If you wish to join me live follow the link: https://youtu.be/HjvTw4eNojQ

Photoshop Patch Tool (From My Latest Livestream)

In this tutorial, I show you how you can remove objects from an image using the Photoshop Patch Tool (taken from my latest eLearning Livestream).

Sizing Your Images for eLearning Using Photoshop (From My Latest Livestream)

In this video tutorial, I show you how I resize my images to be appropriate for my eLearning projects.

Adobe Captivate Fluid Box Secrets | July 22th 12:00 PM EDT | 16:00 UTC

Experienced eLearning designers will tell you that responsive design only represents 5% or less of the eLearning designed today, and because of that, you shouldn’t necessarily embrace it. I predict that this is going to shift the other way within the next five years. If you don’t have this skill, you may no longer be competitive within this industry. You need to master these skills I will be sharing with you in this livestream.

Clean JavaScript Popups in Your Captivate Project

In this video tutorial, I show you a solution to a question from the Adobe forums. The user wants to open a link to a web URL in a new window but doesn’t want all the gobbledygook that comes with a modern browser (no tabs, no menus, no bookmark bars, etc.). I did some research and learned a little about the window.open() command in JavaScript. It works well. I managed to get it to work for a couple of scenarios in this training. 

Drag and Drop in Your Adobe Captivate Software Simulations

By default, Adobe Captivate Software Simulation converts your drag and drop actions into full motion recordings (FMR), which is excellent if you are creating a “Watch Me” Demo, but what happens when you want to create a fully interactive “Try Me” Training? Here is my solution when you wish to have your learners perform the full motion drag and drop themselves.