Funatomy – a project with rollovers and drag and drop quiz


Assets Window not closing

Hi there, has anyone experienced this in adobe captivate. When I Press the Assets button the window opens but does not close when I press the cancel button, i have to go into task manager to close it all down. Any ideas? Thanks

Unconscious Incompetence to Conscious Competence

I always like these small differences, but I think they are very useful when considering learning and how it might be created and the stage of the change journey the learner is on. For example if you are creating a piece of learning you may need to consider if the person has already realised they are competent or not competent at doing something. You may want to help them through this realisaion from not being to becoming competent by having […]

Uploading example of project work – Unexpected response from the server.

Hi there I get the following response when i try and upload a zip file as suggested. (HTML5 – .zip) Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Andy

Importing Powerpoint into Captivate – Line Appears

Hi all, and a Happy New Year. I am importing a powerpoint training presentation into Captivate 2019, and there is a random line inserted into the presentation. Has anyone seen this before and do you know how to resolve it. Many thanks Andy