Problem publishing tutorial output to my computer

I have just purchased Captivate 2019 and I am busy with the tutorials. The first one is about LUNARSHPERE STUDIOS. I have followed the tutorial to the letter, but hit a “wall” with the publishing. I get an error every time. I don’t know if it is relevant but it appears that “/assets” is automatically added to the title when publishing. Could this be the problem? See the three screensho ts attached. Thanks in advance.

How To Use Gamified Microlearning Activities To Boost The Impact Of Your Corporate Training

With an increase in use of gamification and microlearning, you may be looking for using their combination for corporate training. In this article, see how you can use gamified microlearning activities to boost the impact of your corporate training.

Flipped Classes with Captivate

Examples of using Captivate published assets for flipped class setup with live and distant students.

4 NextGen Gamification Solutions To Enhance Your Corporate Training

With the maturing of the usage of Gamification for learning, there is a buzz on Next Gen Gamification solutions. In this article, I share 4 possibilities on the Next Gen Gamification solutions that can build upon your current approaches. NextGen Gamification Solutions That Can Enhance Your Corporate Training Gamification for serious learning has made steady progress in the last 4-5 years and is being acknowledged as an effective approach for various types of corporate training. Learners love gamification as it […]

My view on (software) training

Based on my decades of experience with software training, my guidelines for more efficiency, results with training.

Elearning trends to follow in 2019

It is always important to stay updated in business, especially in today’s fast-changing world. Elearning industry is among technology early-adopters, and in this article, we have gathered top trends that will affect the elearning business in 2019. 

How To Use Microlearning To Train Your Multi-Generational Workforce

L&D teams face the challenge of training a multi-generational workforce with 4-5 distinct profiles. In this article, I outline how the microlearning-based approach can provide a unique mode to address the common aspects as well as personalized learning. Ways To Use Microlearning To Train Your Multi-Generational Workforce In 2019, more than ever before, L&D teams are facing the challenge to train employees across divergent profiles, given the multi-generational workforce which we see in most organizations. A typical team today may comprise […]

Creating Custom Themes: Tips & Takeaways

Earlier this month, I gave a presentation on Creating Custom Themes at our local Adobe Captivate User Group. As I was going through the step-by-step process of creating a theme, I found myself reflecting on my experience over the years – what worked, what didn’t work, and how to save time. In this article, I will share some of those lessons learned – as opposed to the step-by-step technique of creating a theme.

eLearning Trends In 2019: How To Use Them To Enhance Your Learning Strategy

At this time of the year, you look out for trends that can enhance your training delivery. In this article, I share the eLearning Trends in 2019 you can use to enhance, measure, and maximize the impact and returns on your learning strategies. eLearning Trends In 2019 You Can Use To Enhance Your Learning Strategy As I began my exercise to predict eLearning Trends in 2019, the fourth one in this series, I took a step back to see why […]

7 Examples Of Responsive eLearning Design For Higher Engagement And A Better Learning Experience

Of late, there is a big buzz on Responsive eLearning designs vs older Adaptive eLearning designs. In this article, I’ll show you why you should invest in it, when you should use it, and how you can create great responsive eLearning designs. Responsive eLearning Design For Higher Engagement And A Better Learning Experience Background Mobile learning, or learning on the go, provides multi-device support. This means that all mobile learning courses run seamlessly across devices ranging from smartphones or tablets […]

Use Performance Support Tools (PSTs) to Enhance Your Workforce Performance

Performance Support Tools (PSTs) can add a significant amount of value to an organization’s learning strategy. They provide an option for employees to learn and work at the same time and help organizations reduce the cost of training while increasing productivity and performance. It is increasingly being used to extend discrete, formal training through a learning path that provides these assets within the learner’s workflow. These tools, unlike training, are available to employees while they actually do their jobs to […]

Issues uploading a Captivate file to my LMS

Good afternoon, I am having issues uploading Captivate files to my LMS. My LMS support has looked into this and discovered when they opened the zipped file, in the Assets folder, there is a sub folder, Playbar. In this folder their is a file called playbarStyle.css that is empty. It has Zero Bytes. The LMS is unable to read this file and move forward. Does anyone know what this file is and why it is empty? Thank you in advance […]