Adobe Connect named a G2 Crowd leader – Fall 2019

Adobe Connect names a leader in 2019 Fall G2 grids in Virtual Classrooms and Webinar Software Categories

Managing Network Latency in Global Adobe Connect Virtual Classes

When running a session in an Adobe Connect Virtual classroom, students could potentially join from anywhere in the world. If you notice that a student who is usually talkative and participates well when joining from her home office in Atlanta, GA seems reticent when traveling on business and joining your class from a hotel in Mumbai, your high-network-latency-warning-cerebral-synapse-lights should start flashing.

Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Interaction from Clients in VMware Horizon VDI

A school laboratory or large enterprise may use VMware on workstations; students may engage your Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom from VMware-based clients.  Clients will perform as follows based on our testing. Adobe Connect has settings for quality that affect both the video (webcam) being shared as well as screen sharing. I have indicated the quality in the Settings column in the table below. The VDI client tested was the participant (not the host) in these tests. Test Type VDI CPU VDI […]

Two Ways of Reporting a PDF as Read in the Adobe Connect

The two ways are to only mark as complete when it is completely read with every page opened or whether it is marked complete when just invoked. Either may be reported as complete.

Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Archive Recording Playback in HTML5

Adobe Connect 10.6 supports Virtual Classroom archive recording playback in HTML5

How To Make Your Induction And Onboarding Training More Effective With Microlearning

Introduction You may be wondering how can Microlearning be used to support the Induction and Onboarding training? Microlearning can be used to reinforce the key aspects of company culture, code of conduct, products, and services. In my experience, I have seen Microlearning working well for a variety of onboarding situations. In this blog, I will share some examples of using microlearning to make your Induction and Onboarding training more effective. Overview In one of my previous blogs titled “Use Microlearning To Train […]

Software simulations (1): Preparation

Some practical tips useful for preparing a software simulation, part 1 of 3 blogs. Second blog will be about the capture workflow itself, last about editing captured slides.

Why are we still talking xAPI?

The Experience API (or xAPI) is a new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline). This API captures data in a consistent format about a person or group’s activities from many technologies.

Adding Narration to Ready-to-Go (QSP) slides

gTips for adding Voice Over clips to slides from the Quick Start Projects which do not include slide audio by default.

How many characters and messages will the Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Chat pod hold?

Adobe Connect Meeting Chat Pod supports: Sending a chat message: 1024 characters First time history fetch: 250 messages Upon joining any meeting,  the most recent 250 messages are fetched from the server. If there were more than 250 messages, scrolling up will not display the older messages. To read those older messages, simply choose the option to email the chat content Character limit retained in the chat: 50,000 RTF characters (after which it is trimmed to half or 25,000 characters) […]

Understanding Advanced Actions

Understanding Advanced Actions

Add your Adobe Captivate Prime Account URL to your Adobe Connect Central Account Summary Page

If you have integrated your Adobe Captivate Prime account with your Adobe Connect account, you may now, with the release of Adobe Connect 10.5.1, add your Captivate Prime URL to your Adobe Connect Account Summary page in Adobe Connect Central. Note: If you have not already done so, the first step is to make certain that you have integrated your Adobe Captivate Prime account with Adobe Connect by following the steps this tech-note: For example, see how one of […]