Design thinking is a recent phenomenon in the world of eLearning and it is a method that combines empathy, ideation, and problem-solving of complex and undefined problems. In this article, I will discuss how design thinking can be applied to create better eLearning courses. How To Use Design Thinking To Create Better Custom eLearning Solutions In my previous blogs on Whole Brain Learning and Kolb’s learning styles, I talked about how we can improve the learning process by using certain strategies that are […]
Hi all, newbie here. Lots of great discussions on this site and sooo many talented folks! Maybe someone can help me with a responsive elearning template I’m trying to create. What I would like to create is a responsive layout that includes a table of contents that can be shown/not shown on the click of a button, that is also conducive to non-embedded streaming video (not using Adobe streaming server, we have our own). I’ve been working with the fluid boxes […]
Successful corporate eLearning is all about engagement. Games, when used in eLearning, make online training fun, entertaining and engaging for learners. In this article, I will discuss a case study on a gamification solution that we delivered, which resulted in better learner engagement. A Case Study On Gamification: Taking Corporate eLearning To The Next Level! A well-crafted game can help learners remember the content thanks to its engagement quotient, and transform online training courses to enjoyable online training experiences. Regardless […]
Collaboration is the key to being a successful learning organization. Social learning in the workplace plays a big part in a collaborative learning environment. In this article, I will share my thoughts on how collaborative tools can help employees learn better and improve their work performance. How Collaboration And Social Learning In The Workplace Improve Employee Performance Human beings have been collaborating since eons to solve problems and share experiences. Probably, the first-ever collaboration was when cavemen shared their insights […]
Recently there have been some discussions about Adobe Captivate 2019 and Windows 10’s inability to interact properly with one another. Some issues occurring once Adobe Captivate 2019 is installed on a PC, Laptop, or Mac running the Windows 10 operating system are: Receiving a fatal error message Adobe Captive 2019 fails to launch Inability to simultaneously open more than one project And a few other issues These issues have also been known to occur in previous versions 9 and 2017 […]
The last few years have seen a significant increase in the use of social learning for employee training. In this article, I share the benefits of social learning and show you how you can use microlearning videos as an effective social learning tool. How To Create Powerful Employee Training With Social Learning – Featuring Microlearning Videos While the use of social learning for employee training is being talked about in the last 4–5 years, the social learning concept has been […]
“Compliance” is a buzzword used by governments, regulators, and employers for the process of following rules. Compliance rules are in place either to protect business and markets, or to protect individuals by guiding them on how to follow regulations. However, rules can be misunderstood. Therefore, the challenge shifts to identifying what more must be done to ensure that the employers and the employees do comply with regulations. Compliance Simplified: How To Use Creative Instructional Design Approaches To Instill The Spirit […]
Today’s learners need information that is relevant, up-to-date, and fresh and accessible. That’s where content curation comes into play. In this article, I outline how you can use the content curation strategy to support your corporate training. 5 Questions Answered: Why Should You Use Content Curation To Support Your Corporate Training? Let us have an analytical look at some questions that explain why you should use content curation to support your corporate training. 1. What Is Content Curation And How […]
Effective Induction and Onboarding are crucial for both, employees and the business. In this article, I highlight the challenges of ILT delivery and pick 5 examples that demonstrate the impact of blended/fully online Induction and Onboarding programs. Converting Induction And Onboarding Program To Blended Or Fully Online Training: 5 Examples Recruitment is a time-consuming process, and once you find the right candidate, you need to make sure they are swiftly and efficiently inducted into the organization. A poorly structured induction […]
Many nations have started celebrating June 21st as the International Yoga Day. Most of us identify Yoga with fitness today, even though Yoga refers to a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines. In particular, Surya Namaskar (literally, “Sun Salutation”) is a specific practice that incorporates a sequence of gracefully linked asanas (poses); and is a popular exercise. In tune with the spirit of this day, I am happy to present before you a Captivate project I made for this occasion. […]
In our early years, informal learning is the significant way we learn. In fact, we continue to learn through this approach even at the workplace. In spite of this, many people are skeptical about the impact of informal learning at the workplace. However, I believe that it should be part of the overall learning strategy as learners respond positively to it and organizations can easily provide support to promote it. In this blog, I begin with the definition of formal […]