February 12, 2019
How to Scale Responsive projects in adobe captivate 2019
February 12, 2019
How to Scale Responsive projects in adobe captivate 2019

Hello all!

I have been working on a responsive project for a few weeks now and cannot seem to get the setting correct for the project to scale correctly. The project is very simple, screenshots of an app with click boxes over icons on the picture to show the learner how to walk through the app.  At first I was using fluid boxes but then I realized that when viewed on a smaller device the whole image does not show (the bottom is cut off). I switched to break point view and the picture is shifted right and it is cut off on the bottom or does not fill the screen. We have tested in an iPhone 7 and an iPhone XS.  I have looked at some blog posts and discussions and I haven’t found anything on how to get the image to scale correctly. I think the big part that I do not understand is the position settings, such as if I should use px, %, % relative, etc.

2019-02-14 08:30:59
2019-02-14 08:30:59
2019-02-14 08:20:31
2019-02-14 08:20:31

Hmmm…. thought I had answered exactly the same question earlier this week. Are you posting twice?

You cannot have click boxes in a fluid box as I told before.

I already gave several tips about setting up Position properties in my previous answer. Maybe you think I am working for Adobe and paid? That is NOT the case, I just spend a couple of hours daily for free to try to help Captivate users. It looks like you really need some training.  Whether you get it free by searching for videos, blogs or in another way is your choice. Look at the previous thread to see more answers.

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