Who Owns What I Create?

Have you ever given any thought to who owns the intellectual property rights to the work you create? One of the things that creative professionals fail to notice in an employment contract is the clause that states who is the owner of the work you create.  This may seem like a simple question to answer and I’m sure that many of you will answer that it is the client and others will say it is the developer who owns the intellectual property […]

Work out Loud examples?

I posted a blog about wishing there were more people doing “work out loud” type projects.  I know that Adobe Live is doing that really well with Adobe XD challenges and some other design work, I’m involved with the Training, Learning, and Development Community that brings people in to discuss what they’re working on periodically, and I know that Mel Milloway has recently done a great series on using Adobe XD on YouTube, but I’m wondering if there are others […]

Tips to Help You as a Self-Employed Professional

Some handy tips to help you make a better success of your career as a self-employed professional.

Everyday Adobe and Working out Loud

In an industry that has a lot of resources, I think there’s still a missing piece of the puzzle. We need more collaboration and working out loud! What do you think?

What is Microlearning

Identifying what Microlearning is and how it is useful in the workplace in allowing employees to learn small chunks of information at their own pace and anywhere they have access to a mobile device.

Captivate Training

This testimonial outlines a training experience I had with a world-renowned Captivate expert.

Tips for Interactive Video

Tips and enhancements for interactive video, including an example video

Home Screen – Captivate 2019 (Newbie)

Hi, How do I delete projects in the RECENT tab?  Is that TAB called a DATA FOLDER?

Why are the default settings so lame?

Very frustrated with the default text settings in this program.

Captivate 2019 – Breakpoint mode text responsiveness

We are testing converting our projects from Captivate 8 & 2017 to Captivate 2019. We currently use Break point mode for all our modules, this is our preferred method. We know the settings for responsive text need to be set at auto, % in order to “be responsive.We have no problem with our other versions, however in Captivate 2019. The feature of auto, % for text just does not seem to be working. Simply put, the text is not shrinking, […]

Can’t view html5 files from web server

I’ve uploaded 3 html5 modules created in Captivate and upgraded to Captivate 2019 to our web server in preparation for internal review.  My creative director used the path to provide a link to reviewers, as he generally does with other projects, but the URL created from the path doesn’t work. Any suggestions? Thanks much in advance!

Publish for Devices (App)

We operate a public nursing education website that has hundreds of quizzes, games and apps. We custom program our apps (versions of our quizzes) for iOS (iPhone / iPad), Android phones and tablets, and Amazon Kindle. Our apps are available from the Apple Store, Google Play and Amazon. The use of the apps represents only a small portion of total use of our educational nursing resources. Also, the apps require considerable time, money and effort to develop, post and maintain. […]