Some projects may require the use of a menu slide. This slide also may contain audio and buttons that allows the user to jump from the menu slide to another section and back. Issue: The user navigates back to the menu slide and the audio replays. If you do not want the audio replay on return, below is a tip that may resolve this issue. In Advanced Actions Variables Create a new User variable (Example: audioOneplay) with a Value of […]
So I’m not exactly NEW to Captivate; I used Captivate 6/7 for some projects in graduate school and on my first (part-time) job as an instructional designer after graduation, but haven’t really had an opportunity to work with it since then. I’m hoping to get back in the saddle and re-learn the latest version, however. I’m currently the Digital Learning Specialist in the Center for Teaching Excellence at a small college in Lawrenceville, GA, where I work as a faculty […]
In the first seven parts of this blog-series, we’ve learned how to create a responsive project, rescale it (if required), add Fluid Boxes to the slides, add objects to the Fluid Boxes, apply background fill, and modify the flow, wrap, and alignment properties of the Fluid Boxes. We also learned how to convert Fluid Boxes to Static Fluid Boxes. Now let’s learn about the workflow to mark some of the objects or Fluid Boxes as optional. If you are planning […]
This article is triggered by our global ranking in the Top 10 eLearning Content Development Companies For 2015. This recognition coincides with completion of over 6000 hours of custom eLearning development by us and I take this opportunity to reflect on what has worked and what should be our focus areas in the future. Custom eLearning Development: 6 Takeaways From Our Experience In this article, I look back at our journey and share 6 important takeaways from our extensive experience […]
A small twist on the use of drag and drop that might help you with some of your projects.
I have recently created and published several Captivate 2017 projects as Android apps via PhoneGap. I have updated the phonegapConfig.xml file as recommended and the publish works well, creating the app as requested. However when the app is installed on an Android phone and launched, the app does not run and the spinning wheel of death appears and that’s all I get. Where am I going wrong?
Now that you’ve learned how to create a new responsive project, rescale it (if required), add Fluid Boxes to the slides, and further add objects to these Fluid Boxes, it’s time to look at the editing options. We’ll start with adding background color and images to the Fluid Boxes. You can easily add background images or colors in Captivate responsive projects by using the Fill option for Fluid Boxes. The Fill option for Fluid Boxes works the same as the […]
Very good microphone for E-Learning. I will use this microphone for voice over work for my e-learning courses. I find the Neumann BCM 705 very easy o use and I don’t need to give to much patience while recording. It is very reliable in a more difficult recording environment which I am facing.
Hi all, Ever since I updated to I have been receiving a 404 failure to load a _cp_n_m_ file error in my console. I have read a 4 year old post but the suggestions posted there (clearing out the library of dead links) have not worked for me. The error now appears on all my older projects as well. Anyone else have any issues with this? Thanks
When you build your eLearning project with Adobe Captivate you have several options for customizing the way the elements or components of your project work. You can control almost every aspect of your project with Advanced Actions, Shared Actions, or JavaScript but how do you know which approach is right for your project? When I first started working with Adobe Captivate I used Advanced Actions almost exclusively. Part of this was because they worked and part of it was because […]