Create quizzes

Quizzes are an excellent way to test the users who are going through your eLearning courses. Adding quizzes to a project in Captivate couldn’t be any easier. Just add a Question slide, put your question into the slide and the answer, Captivate does everything else for you. It even puts a quiz results slide at the end. In this document, we will step through the different question types supported by Captivate.

Top 6 Benefits of Performance Support Tools (PSTs) In Corporate Training

Performance Support Tools (PSTs) are learning aids or job aids that are designed to offer specific support to learners precisely at the moment of their need. In this blog, I outline the definition, significance, and the key benefits of Performance Support Tools. All of us learn from different sources ranging from structured or formal training to learning by watching others or taking specific help from colleagues. The biggest learning certainly is on the job (often through challenges that we face […]

Missing Fonts and Bullets Options in Captivate 2017

missing font and bullet options

Create software simulations

Captivate allows you to quickly record software simulations in Demo, Assessment, Training modes.

Radio Buttons From Scratch

Make some radio buttons from scratch.

Create your first Captivate project

In this section, you will get stared with creating your first Captivate project. We will also cover introductory concepts such as applying themes to your project and downloading assets that you can use in your project. Before winding up this section, we will preview the progress that we have made and publish the project.

Captivate (2017 release) Update 1 released

We have released Update 1 for the 2017 release of Captivate. This update addresses several important bug fixes and includes support for the latest release of macOS. To install the update, in Captivate, click Help > Updates. Then, follow the on-screen instructions. The new build number after the update is This update contains the following: In-app interactive guide for responsive projects. Follow the walk-through to create responsive projects using Fluid Boxes New video tutorials for Captivate (2017 release). Whether […]

Evaluate The Right Partner To Outsource Your eLearning Content Development: Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Outsourcing of eLearning content development has been there for a few decades. What has helped it grow is certainly its most significant gain, that is, cost savings. The bigger gains are in terms of other strategic benefits that it offers. It enables the Learning and Development teams to focus on the next level of tasks including strategic planning, determining ways to measure the effectiveness of learning, analyzing program usage, and exploration on what more is possible. However, there are several […]

Do I have to pay an Adobe Stock subscription after purchasing Captivate 2017?

Hi everyone, my organisation has recently purchased Captivate 2017.  The Adobe Captivate marketing material says it has access to over 75,000 free learning assets. Can you please confirm if this includes access to the in-built My Assets -> Get Adobe Stock Assets? Or is this purely talking about eLearning assets, characters, media, projects and themes? Does my organisation have to purchase a subscription to Adobe Stock to include images into eLearning content? Thanks, Maree

8 Tips To Convert Flash To HTML5 That Will Help Your Business

Particularly over the last 4+ years, most organizations have evaluated mobile learning solutions integrating tablets and smartphones into their learning delivery. Mobile learning solutions are based on HTML5 technology. While it is fairly straightforward to create new courses using HTML5 that are mobile ready, there are several aspects that you need to watch out for when converting Flash to HMTL5. How To Convert Flash To HTML5 In this article I will outline the HTML5 technology advantage, its challenges, and share […]

Preview Project Not working

I have several responsive projects I’m working in Captivate 9 in all the projects I am unable to Preview Project.  On some it allows me to Preview Next 5 slides.  The error I receive is “Cannot Open Project”.  I’ve tried changing my default browser from Chrome to Safari and Firefox and that didn’t make a difference.

Countdown Timer

I have periodically seen questions related to timers and thought I would put something together that might be useful to the community at large. Without further ado, I present to you the 10-Second Timer 3000! Never before seen on TV… LOL Anyway, this timer does not have lots of bells and whistles and it only goes to 10 seconds for the sake of the demo. In this project, I utilize the concatenate technique I have posted on in order to […]