Adobe Captivate 5 Tutorials – Missing files

Issue: One of the tutorial file is missing from the Tutorials List which are accessed from the Adobe Captivate 5 welcome screen. To Fix the issue, please go through the following Kowledgebase Article.

Captivate Widgets Tutorial: Create your first Widget

Greetings, widget enthusiasts!! In this post I am going to help you create your first Captivate Widget in just a few steps. And by the end of this post you will be able to actually see your widget in Action inside Captivate. Today I’ll demonstrate how you can create a simple ‘Print Slide’ widget. So, shall we get started? Launch Captivate and do a File->New->Widget in Flash. Choose Widget type -> Static and ActionScript Version-> ActionScript2.0. Hmm, now you see […]

New tutorial on Captivate 4 has just launched a new Captivate 4 tutorial. This is authored by Tim Plummer, Jr. The tutorial covers the essentials of Captivate 4. Tim is a Sr. Solutions Engineer in Adobe Sales and has extensive experience both as an educator and as a presenter. He provides a unique perspective covering the features not just from a traditional elearning angle- but also talks about how Captivate can be used to create good looking projects for high impact communication. In this […]

Captivate 4 tutorials

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”); document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src=’” + gaJsHost + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-7747520-1”); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Captivate 4,Captivate tutorials Late last year, I had blogged about a set of Captivate 3 tutorials on the Adobe website. These were specifically crated for the education industry and most of our readers have found them very useful. This has now been completely refreshed for Captivate 4- with new topics on the key […]

Some good tutorials on Adobe Captivate 3

Adobe Captivate,Rapid eLearning,eLearning authoring tool While we have a list of very competent partners and vendors who provide Captivate training, one request I get is for some tutorials right from Adobe. I came across some of this Adobe Captivate 3 tutorial content hidden deep in our website. I hope you find this useful. Recording and publishing software simulations Editing Adobe Captivate projects Creating interactive training scenarios Creating quizzes with Adobe Captivate Adding audio to Adobe Captivate projects Adding Flash video […]

Enhancing Language Learning with Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captivate is a powerful e-learning authoring tool that enables the creation of engaging and interactive content. It is particularly well-suited for language learning due to its robust multimedia capabilities, interactive elements, and flexibility in content creation. Here’s how Adobe Captivate can be leveraged to enhance language learning: Key Features for Language Learning Multimedia Integration: Audio and Video: Captivate allows for the seamless integration of audio and video clips, essential for language learning. Instructors can include pronunciation guides, conversation practice, […]

Real-Time Navigation of Overlay Slides in All New Adobe Captivate

Real-Time Navigation of Overlay Slides in All New Adobe Captivate

Headless Portal: Leveraging Adobe Learning Manager APIs for Progress Tracking and Certificate Downloads

In the process of building a headless portal for your learners, it is crucial to provide them with a seamless experience that includes tracking their course progress and accessing their certificates. Adobe Learning Manager (ALM) offers a comprehensive API that can be leveraged to achieve these functionalities. Customer Use Case: Tracking Learner Progress A customer inquired if it’s possible to display a list of courses a learner is enrolled in along with their current progress when they first enter the […]

Automatically Enroll External User Groups in Courses Upon Registration

Setting up a new external group, such as for your Board members, and ensuring they are automatically enrolled in specific courses upon registration is a common requirement in Adobe Learning Manager (ALM). This can be efficiently achieved using Learning Plans. Customer Use Case: Auto-Enroll Board Members A customer asked if it’s possible to automatically add an external user’s user group, specifically Board members, to certain courses at the point of registration. For instance, all Board members need to complete the […]

How to Leverage AI for eLearning Content Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a catalyst for transforming eLearning content development. AI integrates personalized learning, customized delivery, automated assessment, and real-time feedback, enhancing eLearning content development efficiency.

Top Trends in eLearning Shaping the Future of Learning

The content discusses how technology is transforming education through eLearning. It highlights trends like adaptive learning, social learning, video learning, AI, micro-learning, gamification, mobile learning, AR/VR, learning and development, and learning management systems. Challenges like data privacy are noted. The future of eLearning looks promising, with innovations improving access and learning experiences.