Issues with videos after publishing – Captivate to Captivate Prime

I have created a project within Captivate using a number of YouTube videos.  When I preview the project using the “HTML5 in Browser” option, the course runs as I would expect – videos automatically start, buttons are usable, etc. I need to publish this course within Captivate Prime, so I have tried 2 methods: 1) Publishing directly to Prime 2) Publishing as an HTML5 to my computer While both “publish” without issues, when I preview the content, the videos do […]

Converting Classroom or ILT sessions to Impactful eLearning nuggets

With the current situation and social distancing norms, more organizations are preferring online mode of learning or are looking to convert their existing ILT  to eLearning programs. In this blog, I will share few best practices on converting ILT sessions to impactful eLearning to impart knowledge and concepts quickly. Introduction With COVID-19 taking a grip over the world, organizations across the globe are forced to rethink as how they conduct business, how they train and equip their employees in a VUCA  (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and […]

5 Quick Adobe Photoshop Tips for eLearning Professionals

Good visuals instil a new life to eLearning courses and makes them more appealing for the learners. Coupling instructionally sound content with appropriate graphics helps in providing an incredibly amazing learning experience! To share my workflow and quick tips related to creating graphics, I conducted a webinar last week on Photoshop Tips for eLearning professionals and 81% of the attendees said that they use a photo creation/editing tool to create their eLearning graphics before importing to their eLearning courses. I […]

Types of Microlearning: Making the Most of Short, Focused Bursts of Instruction

Organizations large and small face the difficult task of continually ensuring their employees are up-to-date on the latest compliance training, the various aspects of their products and services and are encouraging an ethical and positive corporate culture. It’s impossible to continually take employees away from their mission critical tasks to attend lengthy, time consuming training programs to achieve all these goals. One solution to the balancing act of providing the right level of training while maintaining optimal performance levels is […]

4 Pragmatic Strategies L&D Teams Must Use to Train Remote Workers with Limited Training Budgets

Introduction In the midst of changing dynamics, disruption, impact on employees and businesses, and looming global recession, what strategies can help L&D teams? In this article, I share 4 strategies to train remote workers quickly with limited training budgets. Background In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I focus on the impact of COVID-19, notably the need to quickly adopt remote or Virtual Training (amidst tight or limited budgets). Then, I outline […]

9 Definitive Blended Training Strategies to Coach and Mentor Your High-performance Employees

Introduction Funding corporate L&D initiatives is a long-term investment that pays rich dividends. In this article, I share 9 blended training strategies you can use to reap this dividend by using coaching and mentoring for your high-performance employees. Background There may be several high-performance employees in any organization, awaiting “discovery” and whose potential the company might not currently be tapping. That’s a waste of highly valued human capital. With the ongoing COVID-instigated disconnect, the gulf between high performers and their […]

8 Best Practices Business Leaders Can Adopt to Lead Through Business Disruption During COVID-19

Introduction As the world wades through the aftermath of the pandemic, with lockdowns and social distancing, the disruption is making way for new dynamics. In this article, I outline how L&D teams can help employees and leaders react and respond to the crisis. Background In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I outline how can business leaders help and lead through business disruption caused by COVID-19. I highlight 8 strategies that will […]

7 Key Areas L&D Teams Should Focus on to Handle Changing Workplace Dynamics Due to COVID-19

In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I outline the changing workplace dynamics and the anticipated impact of disruption (short term and long term). In light of this, what are the key areas L&D teams should focus on to handle changing workplace dynamics due to COVID-19. My other 3 articles touch upon: 8 Best Practices Business Leaders Can Adopt to Lead Through Business Disruption During COVID-19 4 Pragmatic Strategies L&D Teams Must […]

7 Online Learning Predictions Following the Pandemic

Predictions for online learning have seen dramatic changes due to the current global situation. The changes of the future may not be what educators had planned for thus far.

Is there Value in a Virtual Conferences

In this time of closures, traditional place-based conferences are going online. While there is a lot of energy and reward attending a traditional conference, can an online conference give you the same value?

Setup Matchstick Game

Step-by-step explanation of the Matchstick Game, including screenshots of layout, timeline, variables, shared and advanced actions used.

2 questions about this platform…

Questions about this platform