Topic: Optimal Design For Multiple Devices using Adobe Captivate
Date and time: Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM US/Pacific
Description: In 2013, the sale of smartphones exceeded the sale of traditional phones while the sale of tablets exceeded those of standard PCs. This trend has lead to more clients who want online courses that can be accessed from both mobile and desktop devices. Because the technology is different, developing courses for both devices have unique attributes. The dilemma is – do we develop two separate courses that contain the same material but are published on different devices? Who wants to update the same course twice? So the approach then, is to craft a single course that provides optimal viewing and an effective learning experience across a wide range of devices. Anita Horsley and Karen Blades will present how to develop eLearning/mLearning course that have a professional look and feel, and provide an effective learning environment for students. This presentation is geared toward designers and non-designers alike to improve learning objectives using successful design techniques when publishing to both mobile and desktop devices.
I’m SO disappointed with 8. The one thing that made Captivate different from other authoring tools, was the ability to break apart the panels of the workspace. This allowed me to work SO much more efficiently on two monitors. Why couldn’t you have just given this new UI the option to break apart if we wanted?? Ugh!!! This changes the whole ball game as a loyal Captivate user.
Hi Carolyn. You can still do that with Captivate 8. Check out this article for details:–and-keep-it
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