In this video, I demonstrate how you can use a text entry box to capture a bunch of text from your users and then display it back to them on a later slide without any display difficulties.
Hi Paul, thanks for the great video.
I was aware how you could store variables in a text entry box and display them and you have shown this very well. Do you know however, how also to report the variable from the text entry box to scorm with a time stamp of the entry? If you check “report to quiz” this won’t work with a normal text entry box, but only with short answer quiz boxes (which cannot write to a variable). If you add this functionality to your video tutorial, it would help many users a lot, because then people can track what people write in text entry boxes.
You can use a text entry box and report it’s contents to SCORM as well as your TEB variable. Just check off Validate User Input, Include in Quiz and Report Answers. I will mark it as incorrect but if you leave Add to Total unchecked it won’t impact your learner’s score.
In my opinion this doesn’t really work. Scorm shows the input from the text entry box, but doesn’t include a time stamp of the time of entry. If you use a short answer quiz, the input in this field is reported correctly to SCORM. However, I’ll try to find a solution via java script..
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