I’ve seen a number of cases where people have tried to use the eLearningBrothers “print.html” technique to create a custom PDF of information gathered during a lesson. Inevitably it has led to frustration. In one case, the administrator forgot to include this custom file in the course module, and in another, the amount of text was larger than that allowed in a URL and broke the call.
The following gets past both of these problems
1. the entire capability is packed into the course source file and will not be inadvertently lost
2. there are no limits on the number or length of variable names
Here’s a simple alternative
1. Add the following code to “On Enter, execute JavaScript”
var printWindow function writeHeader(txt) { printWindow.document.write("<H1>"+txt+"</H1> <hr>") } function writeName(txt) { printWindow.document.write("<h3>"+txt+"</h3>") } function writeValue(txt) { printWindow.document.write("<p>"+txt+"</p>") } function openPrint() { printWindow.print() } function printVars() { printWindow=window.open("", "_blank"); sty=` <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Sans-Serif; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } #title{overflow:auto;} #logo{float:right;} #date{ float:left; display:inline-block; position:absolute; z-index:: 1; font-family: Sans-Serif; color: #666666; padding-left: 22px; } h1 { font-size:26px; font-family: Sans-Serif; padding-left: 19px; margin-top: 27px; } h3 { font-size:18px; font-family: Sans-Serif; font-weight:600; color: #444444; padding-left: 20px; } p { font-size:14px; -webkit-margin-before: 0.0em; -webkit-margin-after: 0.0em; font-family: Sans-Serif; color: #666666; padding-left: 20px; } hr { display: block; -webkit-margin-before: 0.5em; -webkit-margin-after: 0.5em; -webkit-margin-start: auto; -webkit-margin-end: auto; border-style: inset; border-width: 1px; } </style>` printWindow.document.write(sty); var d = new Date(); var curr_date = d.getDate(); var curr_month = d.getMonth() +1; var curr_year = d.getFullYear(); printWindow.document.write('<div id="date">'+curr_month+"-"+curr_date+"-"+curr_year+'</div>'); fillWindow(); }
2. On the slide you want to create the PDF, add the following code to “on enter, execute javascript”
function fillWindow() { writeHeader("any text for your header") writeName("any text here for a name") writeValue("any text here for a value") writeName("variablename1") writeValue(window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue("variablename1")) writeName("variablename2") writeValue(window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue("variablename2")) // add more name/value pairs here // this is the last line in the function openPrint() }
Just fill in the variable names and values as you need to and create this function
3. On the slide you want to create the PDF, create a button that has an action “on success, execute javascript”
the code for the button is simply:
That’s it.
When you press your “print variables” button, another window will open with a simple format, already set to print. you can set the print function to save as PDF and you’re on your way.
Note – this solution uses a quoting capability only available in the latest versions of Javascript, so if you need to support IE11, some small changes need to be made.