The Help documentation is very concise about the Library: It has a good description of the columns in the Library panel. I will not repeat that in this post.
Internal Library (project library)
- Audio: will have all audio clips, whether imported or recorded in Captivate; whenever you edit an existing clip, the original and edit clip will be in this folder. If you import a (compressed)mp3 file it will automatically be converted to a ‘raw’ wav-file which will also be in this folder. It is recommended whenever possible to import a wav file, when published it will be compressed to mp3 by Captivate.
- Backgrounds: backgrounds used in project, master slides or created when recording a software simulation.
- Equations: only for the versions that have MathMagic included (if you see it still in CP2017, which has no longer MathMagic, this is a bug). That folder will store the images created with MathMagic.
- Images: contains all bitmap images of any format; exception are the images created from layers in an imported Photoshop file. When importing such a file an individual folder will be created (under the root, not under Images), with the same name as the PS-file, and having all the layers converted to PNG images (there is a screenshot later on showing such a PS folder). If you insert Characters (Media button) they will appear in this folder as well.
- Media: will store video, animations
- Shared Actions: contrary to advanced actions, shared actions are in their dedicated folder in the Library
- SVG: stores all SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) images
- Web: for web objects
- Open Library: is an alternative for File, Import, External Library (see below)
- Import: you cannot import folders, but you can select multiple assets to import in one action. They will be placed in the appropriate folder for their type. You cannot import layers from a Photoshop file with this button, you need to use the menu File, Import, Photoshop File.
- Export: it is possible to export a number of assets to one location. Each will get its appropriate extension. If you never used shared actions, they have a dedicated extension ‘cpaa”.
- Edit (CTRL-U): If you have associated an application for the asset, using this button will open the asset in the associated application (saves time). Examples in my personal situation: audio clip will open in Audition, SVG image in Illustrator, bitmap image in Photoshop. Alternative for this button is the right-click menu (but you’ll have to use two clicks in that case), followed by Edit with….If you have the asset Properties window open, you’ll find an Edit button as well (see screenshot below)
- Properties: will open a window with asset properties; I almost never use that button but will double-click on the name of the asset (see Properties in the screenshot below).
- Usage (CTRL-ALT-U): there is a column Count Use as well, but this button will open immediately a list with all the locations where the asset is used. Alternative is option Usage in the right-click menu on the asset, or the Usage button in the Properties window (see screenshot below). In the screenshot you see that Usage counts also images used in object states.
- Update: if source files have been changed externally, you can update the assets in Captivate with this button. You’ll see a red bullet in the Status column for a not-updated source.
- Select Unused Items: contrary to what some people ‘believe’ deleting unused items will only decrease the file size of the raw cptx file, not the file size of the published file. I prefer not deleting unused items until the project is finished.
- Delete
- Captivate users tend to insert assets one by one on slides using the Media Button. An alternative way is to import first (all) assets to the Library. From the Library you can drag them to the stage (or to an object). For audio clips, when dragging to the stage you’ll have it inserted as slide audio, dragging to an object will create object audio. Same is valid for shared actions: dragging a shared action to the slide will create an On Enter action for the slide, dragging a shared action to an interactive object will create a Success action for that object.
- You are not limited to the default folders described above. It is perfectly possible to create folders under the root and to create subfolders under existing folders. For complicated projects with lots of assets, I sometimes set up folders for each slide or slide group. Another approach if you take advantage of the great roundtripping possibility with Photoshop is to keep image assets for a slide or slide group in one Photoshop file. In that case I’m only talking about the bitmap images of course. For large, complicated projects both work flows will help to manage assets when the clients is asking for (last minute) changes. In the screenshot above Tips, you see an imported Photoshop file (Libraries_Small.psd), where I indicated 4 layers which have been converted to PNG-images
- Even if you don’t use custom folders/subfolders think about labeling assets that got generic names. A relevant example are audio clips generated by TTS.
External Library
- Use the first button in the Control panel of the Library panel (see above) and browse to the project (cptx) where the Library you want to use is stored.
- Use the menu File, Import, External Library and point to the project (cptx).
In the screenshot below you see such a floating External Library panel to the left of the docked Internal Library. If you are using the Newbie UI you’ll not be able to dock that External Library in any docking station (always recommend to switch to Expert UI). Its layout is totally similar to the Internal Library. The only way to recognize it as external, is the name of the Captivate file from which it was opened, and the presence of that same name in the dropdown list under Open Library button.
If you are not used to floating panels because you always use the Newbie UI, here are some warnings.
- Do not reset the Classic workspace while an external library is open or you’ll lose it.
- External libraries do not appear in the Window menu where you find most of the default panels. Only the internal Library (CTRL-ALT-L) can be switched on/off using that Window menu.
- The only way to close an external Library is with the Close button. That button is in the top right corner of the panel and pretty tiny, moreover grey on black which is not a very good combination for tired eyes:
You can use an external library (or multiple external libraries) exactly in the same way as the internal library: drag an asset to a slide, or to an object (for audio clips). Or you can drag all the needed assets to the internal (project) library. However I will offer one recommendation for Shared actions (see more details in this blog post): I prefer to drag those actions always to the Internal Library, instead of attaching them directly to a slide (On Enter) or an interactive object (Success event) by dragging from the External Library. As you probably know, if a shared action is using a variable, this variable will automatically be created when using that action in a new project. To avoid problems with duplicate variables follow the recommendation of that mentioned article.
For all the copy/paste lovers: believe me, using assets from an external library is a much safer work flow than copy/paste objects between projects (one of the causes of corruption).
Using external libraries can save time and help to achieve design consistency. For much used shared actions (like the toggle action described in this post) I have a dedicated project ready which I open as External Library in any new project. Images and SVG’s, which I use all the time, are stored in another Library. I have an external library with sound clips that I like to reuse. If you are a developer in a company, you see the advantage of using external libraries for sure!
(CC Libraries)
This last part is ‘wishful thinking’: if you are a CC user like me, it would be a relief if we got access in Captivate to the CC Libraries. It would make the transfer of assets created with Adobe Color, Photoshop, Audition, Illustrator, Animate, Adobe mobile apps.. so much easier. Same is valid for managing Adobe stock assets, which can be inserted in CP.
Captivate Draft has access to the CC Libraries, and could be used as an intermediate player: use it to retrieve custom color palettes, image and other assets. Once the Draft project is exported to Captivate, you’ll have them in the Internal Library in Captivate. But if you don’t have an iPad, this work flow is impossible. Same when you don’t use Draft for storyboarding but another application.
Please, log a feature request to support (one of) my Captivate dream(s)!
Thanks for such an in-depth discussion of external libraries. Even though I’ve used Captivate since version 3, I always seem to learn a new feature or two from your blog posts. While I knew about External Libraries, I can’t say I’ve used them. I am getting ready to take on a project where three different developers will be creating six similar courses, so I see a use right there.
I did log a feature request for direct linkage from Captivate to the CC. It’s a pain to have to go to Explorer and copy images from CC down to my Captivate project images folder, then import the images from there.
Thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for logging that request! For some reason I have been using external libraries since many versions, any feature that can save me time needs to be explored and exposed to the community. Like you I do miss the CC libraries in Captivate a lot (but I miss the hand tool as well). Hope you are as stubborn as me, it took me 6 versions with feature request to finally have the rulers and guides. To my astonishment they are not used in any video/webinar to set up effects, fluid boxes in a more accurate way. Strange, my brains must have some weird twists.
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