Adobe eLearning Community is listed as the top eLearning portal on – NowComms
Thanks everyone for making Adobe eLearning Community the #1 portal in the eLearning space!
The Adobe elearning community turns 1 year old this month. The journey so far has been inclusive and thought provoking, every member who has been a part of this journey so far, we would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts.
Through the years we heard from our users of the need of having an asset which would allow every individual in the learning and development space to be able to voice their opinions, workflows, projects and market their great work to others who otherwise would not know where to go and find all this fantastic and applicable information.
The vision is to grow strong and light the path for others as a community, take away any fears anyone might have of asking a question or showcasing their great work to everyone.
We appreciate your contributions and fervour and look forward to more in the coming years.
“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.”-Paul Ryan