September 29, 2017
Can you relocate the Timeline? – Captivate 9
September 29, 2017
Can you relocate the Timeline? – Captivate 9
Newbie 1 posts
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I am running Adobe Captivate 9 and have dual monitors. The project I am currently working on has many objects and is now becoming awkward while editing. Is there a way to unpin the Timeline from the bottom of the Captivate window so that it could be moved to my 2nd monitor?  I tried to maximize Captivate so that it spans both monitors but the working slide on my canvas area then gets stuck in the seem between my 2 screens. I was searching to see if there is a way to expand Captivate to fill both monitors , then have my canvas on one side and the Timeline on the other screen so that I could get a better view of what is happening in the Timeline.

Also, and I know this would be a different topic, but working with the Timeline sometimes gets frustrating in that if I am in the middle of my project’s Timeline, and I add a new object, the Timeline bounces me all the way back to the start of the project. It adds the new object, but sends me back to the very start of the Timeline so that I have to scroll back to where I was working. Adding some way to have a place holder similar to breakpoints in other programs might be useful when editing. For example, if working on a 5 min slide clip it would be nice to set a point where you are working say min 2 – 3, so that you don’t have to scroll all the way back after each new addition.



Oct 2, 2017
Oct 2, 2017

If you’d like to move your Inspectors around the screen, you can create custom workspaces. Open Captivate’s Preferences dialog box by choosing Edit > Preferences (if you’re a Windows user) or Adobe Captivate > Preferences (if you’re a Mac user). Then select Enable custom workspaces/panel undocking.

From: Siegel, Kevin. Adobe Captivate 2017: The Essentials (Page 37). IconLogic, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Oct 1, 2017
Oct 1, 2017

Captivate is not meant to span two monitors. BUt you can switch the the Expert UI which will allow you to move panels and docking stations to a second monitor, and to define custom workspaces. Just remember always to use the primary monitor for screen recording.

Oct 1, 2017
Oct 1, 2017

If you want answers to questions you should post a question, not a discussion. Questions will appear in the related Jive forums, where a lot more experts will be ready to help you. Discussions do not have the same purpose, as you can see. If this was a question you would have had answers within 24 hrs.
Captivate’s timeline is not the same as the timeline in a normal video application. I never had one slide with a duration of 5 minutes, maybe with the exception of a synchronized video slide. There is a reason for the default duration of 3 seconds for a slide. Split up your long slides in shorter slides, and/or add pausig points to offer control to the user. I wrote several articles about the specificity of Captivate’s Timeline. Here is one link:

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