We are covering a large amount of content on numerous pages of our course therefore I have used the Learning Interaction – table widget, to clearly display the data and this also gives us the ability to scroll within the window. We now want to add small pop up captions to describe numerous text terms throughout the script. Is it possible to create this type of functionality within another widget?
Essentially they are wanting a glossary but they do not like the glossary widget as that relies on the user leaving the page and searching for the word. The user would prefer hover over terms so they can quickly scan the description as they read the script.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Gemma
The table interaction is pretty old, not very useful IMO (never used it because of the limitations) and as with most interactions, you just have to cope with what is designed in that interaction and with the limitations.
It is possible to have the Glossary widget timed for the rest of the project, hidden and have it shown/hidden with a toggle button.