I’m pretty sure I’ve done this before, but I can’t remember how.
The screen contains five choices (clickable text boxes). The learner clicks one, and a box appears with text related to the clicked box. There is no wrong or right selection, and the user can stick around on the screen clicking and reading for as long as he/she wants.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, my bad. Just noticed that you are still on CP8. I will write a blog post ASAP comparing my first work flow (only for CP9 and later) with this one:
Create as many text containers as you need, make sure they are hidden in output (eye icon in Properties panel) and group those texts in Gr_Text. Now you’ll not be able to use a simple action as in the first workflow, you have to create advanced actions (or a shared action to be reused) with two commands:
Hide Gr_Text
Show TextX
Sorry for my misssing this in my first answer.
Hi Lieve –
Thanks … I think I didn’t explain this thoroughly enough. If I understand your solution, all five (or whatever) text boxes will display at once. Yes? Here’s what I wrote, annotated:
The screen contains five choices (clickable text boxes). The learner clicks one, [only one] and a box [only one] appears ….
This works kind of like a multiple choice. There are five text boxes with possible responses on screen. Learner clicks text box A, and the feedback for text box A appears. Learner closes feedback A and clicks response B; feedback B appears.
I could set this up with the interactive multiple choice, I guess … but there are so many functions to disable, I would have to make five “correct” feedbacks, and there is no reporting. Hm. Maybe I should just do it that way …
I’ve been trying out the multiple choice interaction.
Here’s how I want it to go:
User clicks A, B, C, D, or E (all text boxes).
Correct feedback (a text box) for that selection appears. (User doesn’t need to click Submit.)
User clicks another text box selection.
Feedback for that selection appears (not the same feedback as any of the other selections).
I don’t see how I can do this with the multiple choice function. Do you?
Sorry, have some problems with the terminology. By definition a click box is only a hotspot, cannot have a fill, nor a stroke nor text. Maybe by a ‘clickable text box’ you mean a shape filled with text (and eventually Fill/Stroke) but not a click box?
To use any interactive object to show somehing you can have several approaches. Since you talk about 5 of those interactive objects, make sure their pausing points is at the same moment. They all have a Success event in the Actions tab. That event will be used to trigger an action.
For the text to be shown: if you are on CP9 or later, the easiest way would be to use a multistate object like a shape (which can be used as text container). Make the Normal state so that it is invisible by setting Alpha=0 and Stroke=0. Add as many states as you have need for text and put the tests in them. The Success action for the interactive objects will be ‘Change state of…. to ….’. Make sure to uncheck ‘Continue Playing the Project’ or you would release the playhead.
The advantage of this workflow over Show/Hide is that showing a new state will automatically replace the previous state. And when re-entering the slide the text shape will return to its Normal (invisible in this case) state if ‘Retain State on slide revisit’ remains unchecked.
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