August 27, 2018
Narration for video in Captivate 2017
August 27, 2018
Narration for video in Captivate 2017
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I captured a video and want to put narration over the top but the audio dialogue box sits on top of the screen in the way of my preview. I can’t see a way to minimise it. I’ve tried all help files and settings I can find but no mention of this issue. Can anyone please advise?


2019-02-05 12:13:38
2019-02-05 12:13:38

Hi Jo,

Don’t know if you ever found a work around to your narration problem.

I would just play your simulation back and record into another device, maybe a digital mp3 voice recorder or a microphone plugged in to a smart phone.

I would then insert the audio into your simulation.

This would be my simple solution, in know it’s not very elegant 🙂

's comment
2019-02-05 13:49:55
2019-02-05 13:49:55
's comment

Sorry, but this was about a Video Demo, not about a software simulation. Maybe you misunderstood.  A separate audio file for a video demo is not very practical at all.

2018-08-30 09:35:44
2018-08-30 09:35:44

Thanks, Lieve. As I have a SurfacePro, I have to capture the video demo screens whilst connected to monitors at my desk, but this environment is not suitable for recording audio. The issue with the SPro is that is only captures part of my screen and I have tried all workarounds mentioned to no avail. Once the video is captured, I then wish to record the audio whilst watching the video, so that my timings are correct – this is my preferred workflow, despite the SPro issues. I find that the audio dialogue box obscures my view of the video playback and it cannot be moved or minimised. I hope that makes sense.

2018-08-27 19:47:47
2018-08-27 19:47:47

I do not really understand your question. Are you talking about a Video Demo? Noramlly you can capture audio and video at the same time, and later on replace the temporary audio by a final recorded audio clip. That is my workflow.

You talk about ‘narration ‘on top’? I don’t understand what you mean, mabye you could insert a screenshot?

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