August 9, 2018
Slide with multi-state object keeps other objects from showing in preview
August 9, 2018
Slide with multi-state object keeps other objects from showing in preview
Newbie 3 posts
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I have a multi state object to show info when someone clicks on buttons on the slide. I also have an image and a text caption that is supposed to show for a specific time on the slide. These last two items are not showing up in preview mode. Any ideas?

1 Comment
2018-08-10 08:18:41
2018-08-10 08:18:41

Please offer some more details. Is this a responsive or a non-responsive project? Which version do you use? If it is a responsive project, which workflow: Breakpoint views or Fluid Boxes?

Why do I ask these questions: if the project is non-responsive, the only Preview method that will simulate a HTML output (I suppose you don’t want SWF output) is F11, Preview HTML in Browser.

It would also be very useful to see the Timeline of that slide, maybe you have a Timeline problem.

I recently blogged twice about the use case where a multistate object is used to show information when interactive objects are clicked, one for a non-responsive and onc for a Fluid boxes project:



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