September 19, 2018
Captivate 2019 – 404 error after uploading to LMS
September 19, 2018
Captivate 2019 – 404 error after uploading to LMS
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

In order to take advantage of the embedded youtube video feature. I am publishing to HTML5 and uploading to my LMS server. Unfortunately when I try to launch the course, I get the 404 error – file or directory not found.

I have published as both an SWF and an HTML5 and have had no problems playing it as a flash file but of course that create the Youtube issue.

Has anyone seen this issue?



2018-09-21 09:46:02
2018-09-21 09:46:02

This appears to be an LMS issue. It was originally published as SWF and HTML5. Since the package contains Youtube videos, I re-published as HTML5 only. The package was uploaded to Train.Org(the LMS in question) using Filezilla. This is when I received the error. It is worth mentioning that the SWF played fine but without the videos. 


I also uploaded to Blackboard another LMS. It worked fine here.

2018-09-20 08:20:25
2018-09-20 08:20:25

Are you using the YouTube interaction or a Webobject? Are you sure that you can use that YouTube video? Or do you have a security system that prevents access to YouTube?

2018-09-20 07:20:43
2018-09-20 07:20:43

Could you please share some more information, how you are uploading the course to LMS. Which LMS you are using? Have you enabled reporting for your project?



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