So, I’ve been clicking around Captivate 2019 for a little bit today to focus on some of the new things like VR design and how I might incorporate it into my courses. Awesome. I have some challenges right up-front, but those are the fun kind of challenges that force you to change the way that you think to achieve what you want. And then there’s the interactive video. Also awesome, but I just didn’t have the time to explore that one today. (Indeed, I’m trying to figure out whether this version is included in my subscription, but there we go.)
The one thing that I haven’t seen is any real improvements to Responsive Design (RD). Again, though, I’ve been looking at this for a limited period of time, so if I’m incorrect then please let me know.
Soooooo… The one problem that I’m still having with RD is how it handles text and, seemingly, makes decisions based upon the vertical height of the viewing device. And here’s where I have the problem. As soon as text is truncated and the “read more” icon, a decision has been taken away from me.
So what am I suggesting? Only a question, really. If you look at responsive design websites, and specifically something like WordPress and the various “Page Builders,” the responsive design makes sure that text is not truncated based upon (I suppose) “mid-width” properties. If text is side-by-side with an image, as the horizontal space is reduced, the text is pushed downwards in v-space until a breakpoint. At this point, the software makes a decision as the width decreases to put the text box above/below the image. Text is, however, preserved. No “Click here to read the full text” boxes.
As much as it replicates WordPress, it also replicates Articulate’s Rise.
I realise that I can have responsive projects with different slide heights (and responsive and non-responsive slides), but is there a one-stop-shop that I’m missing?