November 10, 2018
Puzzles with Captivate 2019
November 10, 2018
Puzzles with Captivate 2019
I'm a former teacher (and headmaster) in french primary schools. Now I work as a freelance on the net as a webmaster. I used to work with Flash for many years, but now I'm starting to discover Captivate and find it amazing !...
Master 64 posts
Followers: 21 people

Hello Captivaters !…

So… I tried to make puzzles with Captivate. My aim was to reproduce what I’ve done with Flash years ago.

(You can find my former work with Flash here :

and here :


For my purpose with Captivate 2019, I used Drag and Drop and the Jigsaw Puzzle Widget.

1./ Puzzles with Drag and Drop

It’s rather easy to make Puzzles with Drag and Drop. There are many tutorials on the net to make it.

The only things I want to precise are :

– First, I have to make smaller drop zones than drag objects, so there’s no confusion for the drags to drop on the good drop areas.

In this example, the drop zones are the small green squares. (And I just have to make them transparent before publish.)

– Second, I have to publish in htlm5 in the non-scalable option. (With the scalable option, there are small differences – pixels not adjusted correctly -, depends on the used screens)

And with this option, there is an issue with small tablets (7 inches) with the poster image used to introduce the activity. The centered area where there’s the arrow is not operational ???!!!…

But as my activities are made for computers or bigger tablets, I don’t cry for this !… and I’m happy with them !…

2./ Puzzles with the Jigsaw Puzzle Widget

Of course, there are lacks in the  given options (numbers of pieces limited to 4, 8 or 16, timer always on…)

But more than that, I deplore the fact that the pieces are dispatched all over the screen and not in a restricted area.

And this could be a problem if one piece is hidden behind the model and timer zone !…

I know (?) the widgets are no more a priority for the Captivate Team… But it would be good to make very nice widgets, instead of these non-finished ones ! (another example is the only english version for the Hangman Widget… and if we are french ??? or german ???… But this is another story !…)

As a conclusion, I’m pleased with what I manage to produce, even if it’s not 100% perfect.

I join 2 examples with D&D :

– Traditional puzzles :


– Images to complete :


And you can find all of the puzzles I produced so far  here :

And as usual, many thanks for all the Captivate helpers on the net or on the forum !…

(Next time I hope I could speak about Puzzles_02 with draggable and rotatable pieces but I still have  to work on this !… )

Have fun with Captivate !…

Feb 4, 2021
Feb 4, 2021

Have you create a crossword puzzle in Captivate 19? I’m looking for an engaging knowledge check format that doesn’t use drag and drop.  Thank you.

Nov 13, 2018
Nov 13, 2018

Félicitations! Mais vous seriez sans doute d’accord avec:
Nothing can beat Flash for games!
I never appreciated the game widgets for the same reason as you, only for English speakers. However I would love to have improvements to the less obvious, but so much more useful ones: checkboxes, radiobuttons, listbox, scrolling text area because they avoid a lot of programming.

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