Action reply with slow motion
There are many tutorials, where predefined play-back is given. but in fact, they suffer from two drawbacks:
- a programmer had to define all probable replay points(bookmarks) manually &
- user doesn’t have a facility to replay at his choice…
Say for example, while viewing sports /action movie video, we may like to see again(repeat)the scene just got finished. Such dynamic replay is not possible by adding Bookmarks in captivate…
I have tried to overcome both drawbacks in this demo cum tutorial.
In this tutorial, you will see that without adding any bookmarks, end-user can have dynamic Action Replay(that also with slow motion).
Action replay button is added that can be used by the user to replay the last action at any moment user wish to!!!
Advanced Action script and JavaScript is used to achieve this.
Links to tutorials:
Here is one example file:
It takes me very little time to set up bookmarks and such a menu button. I logged a feature request to make the creation of the menu easier for those without skills in advanced actions. But I like Interactive Video very much, and have transferred my enthusiasm to multiple trainees.
I will definitely go through the given links…
meanwhile, let me just point one thing, in my video, it is the end use who enjoys the freedom of what to reply… while in a bookmark, we (programmer/developer) decide points of reply… But still, I will go through your suggestions …
it is replay …
For short and well-defined video your approach is 100% correct. But in many college courses, we can have long video (directly added from live classroom training recording). and in that long video, it is students who might find very key points to review… just my thought
Why do you not use Interactive video in this case? So easy to add bookmarks and a bookmark menu. I have created several interactive movies, but only one is on line . Will post the links to a blog and an example in a separate comment to avoid moderation waiting time.
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