February 24, 2019
Software Demonstration — Cannot Edit a Slide
February 24, 2019
Software Demonstration — Cannot Edit a Slide
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am creating my first demonstration video for my class. I got distracted after narrating a slide and the length went to 14 seconds, when it only needs to be 8 seconds. IT WON’T ALLOW ME TO CHANGE THE DURATION OF THE SLIDE! I am ready to scream. Can someone please tell me how to make what should be a simple edit to me slide.

Thank you.

2019-03-06 16:22:00
2019-03-06 16:22:00

It may be a simple, try editing the audio file to clip off the extra 6 seconds.  I do this by: 1. Right-click on the audio layer in the time line. 2. Select the Edit choose. 3. With the Slide Audio widow open and the edit tab selected, highlight the extra sound. 4. In the edit group tool group, select cut. 5. Select the Save then Close buttons, 6. Drag the slide duration layer on the Timeline to the left.

's comment
2019-03-08 15:26:09
2019-03-08 15:26:09
's comment

If it is not a FMR slide, a long audio clip could indeed be the reason. Wanted myself first to know which type of slide.

The slide duration is calculated by Captivate to keep all the timeline durations of objects and audio clip. For objects you can circumvent this by changing their timing to ‘For rest of slide’. That is not possible for audio clips if they are slide audio.

2019-02-27 19:05:57
2019-02-27 19:05:57

Maybe you didn’t get a notification. My suspicion is that you are trying to change the duration for a FMR slide. FMR stands for Full Motion Recording: you should see a red line in the center of the slide timeline, and an icon of a video recorder under the slide in the Filmstrip.

2019-02-25 07:39:54
2019-02-25 07:39:54

Can you please insert a screenshot of the timeline?

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