February 8, 2019
Is text animation not possible in responsive projects in captivate 2019
February 8, 2019
Is text animation not possible in responsive projects in captivate 2019
Newbie 2 posts
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I am using captivate 2019 and creating a responsive project. When I add animations to text like fly in from right or left, it plays well in inside preview but when I do project preview or slide review as whole it doesn’t work. Please suggest

2020-09-10 14:50:29
2020-09-10 14:50:29

why i am not able to add text animation in responsive project in captivate it shows as disabled option


's comment
2020-09-14 06:37:52
2020-09-14 06:37:52
's comment

Did you read the answers? Text animations are SWF-based and responsive projects can only have HTML5 output. Even for non-responsive projects they will be flagged by the HTML Tracker.

2019-02-10 09:37:48
2019-02-10 09:37:48

Forgot: in the topic you talk about ‘Text Animation’…. which is a term in Captivate. You cannot use those because they are SWF-based.

2019-02-10 09:33:23
2019-02-10 09:33:23

Which workflow do you use: Breakponts or FLuid Boxes? Are you on

You sentence is bit confusing: you say ‘it plays wel inside preview’, but later on you tell that it doesn’t play in Project Preview? Know that Play Slide is NOT a preview.

Even the full Preivew methods, which generate temporary HTML output to play locally will never show full how it will look after publishing. To see the real output you need to publish and upload to a webserver or a LMS (iff you turned on reporting).

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