I’m designing custom icons for UI in Illustrator, and I’m doing responsive design. I would use Font Awesome, but we are on a closed network (Government).
What format would be the best format to export from Illustrator and to import into Captivate 2017?
My first thought would be svg but I’m not sure if that is good for buttons.
If you were on CP2019 most recent release, I would say SVG. Because now they are supported directly as buttons, will post a link to a blog I just published in a separate comment.
Up till your upgrade, since you talk about responsive projects, would opt for PNG, which you can use to fill a shape button. Will post another link to the workflow for that as well.
So went back to illustrator rescaled artwork down to the size I needed in captivate. Reimported the image and published. The results were great! Lesson learned import images in the size you need them.
also found this to support what you telling me https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2435610
Thank you for your help.
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