I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this question, but I thought I would start here. If there is a different forum or platform that I need to go to, please let me know.
I am an Instructional Designer, and I just got a new job where I am quickly learning that I need to know a little more of the LMS administration side of things than I have ever needed to know before. I know that any LMS needs an additional software or service (or something like that) which enrolls users in the LMS & courses so that the LMS admin doesn’t have to manually enroll every user.
What is that type of system or software called? I’m not sure what to research. I will be working with Moodle.
Thank you for your time!!
I realized that I need to add more information to my original post. While the replies have been very helpful!!! I realized I didn’t ask the right question.
The reasoning behind my question is that we offer our course to the public. Currently we are adding each student manually to the LMS. However, in order to do this, we have given admin access to a lot of our employees.
We only have one course in the LMS right now, but we are only beginning our eLearning initiative. We want to use the same LMS for our external facing courses as well as our internal employee training courses, so we don’t want all our employees to have access to all of the courses (as admins do).
So, I am looking for a solution for authenticating users into the LMS. I know enough about Moodle and plugins, that I know how to enroll them into the correct courses automatically, once they have been added to the system. We have considered self-enrollment. But, we need to know when a person enrolls in our course, and Moodle does not notify the teachers nor admins when someone creates an account.
Would an HRIS solve this problem? We want to give the employees access to authenticate users without the ability to change anything within the LMS nor have access to all of the courses. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!!
Hi Kathy,
Typically your LMS should work with your company’s HRIS or HCM systems. Talk to your Human Resources or IT folks. Once an account is created for a new employee in the HRIS system, through a nightly batch upload via an FTP between the LMS and HRIS, those new users are automatically added to the LMS. As an LMS administrator you or whoever is in charge of the LMS would need to create rules on what data should transfer over from your HR systems. Whomever your company uses for HR systems, ADP, Ascentis, etc., you’ll need to work with that company to create the FTP file that the LMS will need to transfer the data automatically.
Once the user information is in the LMS, we’ve created rules in the LMS for new users that automatically assign certain courses like compliance courses and new hire orientation courses. At most of the larger organizations I’ve worked with, this is how we managed new user setup within the LMS. Hope this helps.
That helps a lot, thank you!
We don’t have an HRIS, but at least now I know what I need to look for.
I want to make sure I’m understanding. What I will need from a system is an FTP file. The FTP file is what the LMS “reads” (in a sense) to add students to the LMS.
Is there another type of system that produces an FTP?
Hello, great question!
We created an introduction video to SCORM, LMs (Moodle) and Captivate.
This might help you get started to see how it all fits in
You don’t normally need additional software or services with an LMS, as they are usually self sufficient. Setting up users is either usually individual user at a time, or CSV upload.
Let us know how you go, welcome to the journey!
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