I have a issue with an animation. I have set two animations on a graphic. When i start this animations with the space key in the work enviroment in captivate, its work perfect. When i start the preview or export it, the second animation has not full function. It moves, but without blending.
I attached a video to show you my issue: IMG_205
Thank you for the help.
Have a look at this blog post:
It is one of a series about the Timeline, understanding that feature should be priority 1 for each Captivate developer.
When I tried to access the ‘video’ it didn’t open at all.
You talk about ‘anmation’ but I wonder if you mean an effect applied to an object or a group on the slide? If that is the case I suspect a very frequent issue: you may have a pausing point on the timeline which prevents the effect of playing completely. Can you post a screenshot of the timeline?
If it is a real animation, imported with Media button (animated GIF or OAM) that may be due to a different cause.
You also need to know that Play slide (spacebar in the Timeline panel) is NOT a preview method at all.
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