November 6, 2019
SOLVED – Chrome using SWF instead of HTML5
November 6, 2019
SOLVED – Chrome using SWF instead of HTML5
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I’ve run into an issue of Captivate projects I publish as SWF and HTML5 still trying to run Flash in Chrome. That’s an issue since Chrome blocks Flash and will stop supporting it all together in 2020. I found the issue in the HTML file Captivate publishes to pick which version of the course to run. Basically, Chrome is not listed as a browser that HTML5 should run on, so it picks the SWF version. To fix it:

1) Publish your course to a Zip with both SFW and HTML5

2) Open the Zip and copy the “multiscreen.html” file to your desktop.

3) Right click the desktop version and choose Open With and pick your editor of choice. I like Notepad.

4) Look about 10 lines down and change the following to include “chrome”

Unedited code

var lDevicesUserAgents = [“blackberry”,”android”,”iphone”,”ipad”,”symbian”,”smartphone”,”ios”,”windows ce”,”webos”];

Changed Code

var lDevicesUserAgents = [“blackberry”,”android”,”iphone”,”ipad”,”symbian”,”smartphone”,”ios”,”windows ce”,”webos”,”chrome”];

5) Save the file and copy it back into the Zip

I’m hoping that Adobe will fix this in the new version. I would contact them, but I can’t find out how to submit feature requests or bug reports. If you know, please contact me. Its a headache manually changing code in every project I publish.

2019-11-30 08:41:15
2019-11-30 08:41:15

It may be a workaround, but I don’t understand why you still publish both to SWF and HTML at this moment. The output may be very different, and soon SWF is totally deprecated.

2019-11-07 08:52:43
2019-11-07 08:52:43

Have seen this post also on the Adobe forums, thanks for that.

However since the announcement of the disappearance of Flash player on all browsers, even desktop/laptop I recommend every user never to publish to SWF nor use the dual publishing anymore. The Captivate has logically put all effort on the HTML5 output since 3 year at least. The difference between SWF and HTML output has become much bigger. You probably want to have the same experience for all your learners? Use HTML only and recommend them to update browsers and avoid the old IE browser which is not even further developed by MS.

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