Smart shape style panel changed and appears to have broken.
Has anyone seen this before and how did you fix it? (using Captivate 11.0.1)
This morning I changed a smart shape from a square corner box to a rounded corner box. Then this happened:
As you see, the “Fill” and “Pattern” selection for the box, and the “Color” and “Weight” selection for the stroke have disappeared.
I have restarted Captivate, I have restarted the computer. I have opened new projects, created new projects, uninstalled and reinstalled, and nothing. Every single time I select or create a smart shape of any type, the style panel is broken.
Oh, and upgrading to 11.5 is not an option: I have what the company I work for lets me have.
Here are the procedures that Lieve is mentioning in video form if you prefer that.
Most likely the Preferences are corrupted. Look in the installation folder for the subfolder ‘utils’ and run the CleanPrefereces… file for your OS, while Captivate is closed. That is normally the first troubleshooting step you should take after having cleared the cache without result.
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