June 17, 2020
Captivate, Creative Cloud Library and Adobe Stock
June 17, 2020
Captivate, Creative Cloud Library and Adobe Stock
Staff 1 posts
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I have been using PowerPoint and love the fact that there is the Creative Cloud Library Add-on for Powerpoint. It means I can access CC assets and even search for Adobe Stock images to use within PowerPoint. I hope there is a similar sort of integration between Captivate and Creative Cloud Library.

1 Comment
2020-06-20 08:29:11
2020-06-20 08:29:11

Please fill in a feature request, to be heard by the staff. Discussions here are read by users, who want to help other users.  I have logged the feature request to include CC libraries in Captivate since eons over and over again. Only when more users ask for it could it  be included in a future vversion.

Weird is that you have access to the CC Libraries from the iPad app Captivate Draft. My workaround used to take in all the assets in Draft and then migrate it to my desktop application. But in recent versions that always results in a Fluid Boxes project, there is no way to get a non-responsive project after transfer. That makes the workaround even more cumbersome: you need to create a new non-responsive project and open the fluid boxes project as external Library in that new project.

BTW: if you are serious about engaging eLearning courses, stay away from the PPT import in Captivate. It results in movie slides, you cannot control individual objects at all. Much better to unzip the PPT file and import the useful assets in the Library from a new project and start from scratch, using PPT as sort of storyboard. It is still limited because the interactivity features in Captivate allow a lot more than the presentation features of PPT.

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