Join Ankit Kanwara and Manika Sharma as we take you through a journey around software simulation. This journey will start at creation of a software Simulation in various modes. Then we go beyond the realms of Desktop to explore simulations that are responsive to accommodate our Learners on Mobile & Tablets.
This exciting journey is full of small knowledge nuggets and the final destination of Stitching the three modes in a single branched project that allows users to see, try or test in one single project.
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I’m just beginning but have a lot of experience with premier pro, and adobe audition. I’m hopeful that my work will shine because I started with those applications. The LMS aspect is still totally new to me, as is the virtual, 360, and screen capture aspects. So, thanks for providing this. great work.
Demo screen was a little fuzzy, hard to read.
I figured out how to share the presentation. Even so, this presentation should have a handout similar to the demonstrated simulations. that can be printed.
We have added the Handout option so feel free to sue the same to refer to key Tips shared during the session.
The handout idea is fantastic, I hope the concept becomes standard for many contributors.
The software simulation was an excellent presentation. I would definitely use this capability. Where is the handout for this presentation? In the end there was a quick screen asking if I wanted t share the presentation. It was so fast I could not use it At least provide information on how to share the presentation.
Hi, handbook from the session is now uploaded.
I signed up for this, but could not get into the meeting,
Please try again once more. We were experiencing a huge rush earlier.
If you have any further questions, you can live chat with Adobe Captivate Product team at https://elearning.adobe.com/2020/06/live-chat-with-adobe-captivate-team/
We have added the Handout option so feel free to use the same to refer to key Tips shared during the session.
Very interesting !… I’ve never used the software simulation but your demonstration shows clearly that this option could be very useful !…
Big thanks for your Tips & Tricks !…