Can you get a particular slide to pop up based on which answer you choose on a question?
Can you elaborate? Thank you for posting!
Need to have more details before being able to help you with the best workflow.
First question: is this a real ‘quiz’ slide, which means that it has a correct and incorrect answer and maybe a score which can be transferred to a LMS? That is very important, because you are more limited with possible workflows in that case.
Second question: is this slide part of a quiz with multiple questions?
Third question: if you answer positively to the previous two, do you allow multiple attempts for that question on question level?
Thinking off topic: is it really necessary to navigate to another slide, or could having a popup on the quiz slide be what you want? That may prove much easier, because you can use a multi-state object with states for A and B. In that case you could use a MCQ with one correct answer, and the Advanced Answer option to show a state of that object.