August 13, 2020
Troubleshooting Creating a Sample Project for Review
August 13, 2020
Troubleshooting Creating a Sample Project for Review
Followers: 0 people

Hi eLearning Community!

I need some help posting a sample project for an eLearning Instructional Design class I am taking. I have had success publishing a sample project in Adobe Captivate 2019, zipping the files, and then uploading the media here to the Adobe community for my professor and peers to review.

However, recently I’ve been getting an error message when I try to upload a captivate file “Content Slides_1.cptxInvalid file contents.Upload failed.” I’m not sure why this is happening since I have had success doing the same in the past. The file size is small [3.5 MB] and I made sure to zip the files when publishing in the authoring tool. Since this is for an instructional design course, there is no LMS to submit the sample project to and I don’t know how else to share my progress with my class. 

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

2021-11-30 05:14:57
2021-11-30 05:14:57

Were you able to make progress?

2020-08-14 07:11:14
2020-08-14 07:11:14

Same question was also posted in the Adobe forums, here is the link

I included this screenshot:



2020-08-13 05:32:16
2020-08-13 05:32:16

.cptx file is uploaded through ‘Add Media’ button. A captivate zip file(having a well defined structure) is accepted by ‘Add captivate project[HTML5-zip]’ button. It seems like you are uploading the .cptx file through the latter button. That’s why invalid file content message is there. Please try uploading with the Add media button.
Hope that helps!

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