October 30, 2020
Captivate 2019 cannot open cptx file on a different computer
October 30, 2020
Captivate 2019 cannot open cptx file on a different computer
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

I am not able to open the cptx file after I copied it to a new computer.  I even copied over the cached project, but it does not work.  Is there any way to clear the cache completely?

2021-11-30 03:50:19
2021-11-30 03:50:19

as Lieve said, try clearing the cache – that has worked for me

2020-11-03 22:21:27
2020-11-03 22:21:27

It seems that Captivate does not provide good error messages when opening files. I have encountered that same problem. It simply tells me that the file is corrupted. But the issue is that the version of the file is different. That has happened to me often with the free projects that are on this website.

's comment
2020-11-03 22:43:00
2020-11-03 22:43:00
's comment

Totally agree with that.  If you have the most recent version, there is no problem opening any of the projects here. But with an older version that can be problem.

2020-11-02 09:26:51
2020-11-02 09:26:51

Clearing the cache is possible with a button under Preferences, Global settings.

However I am not sure that it is the cause of your problems. Do you have exactly the same version installed? Example: CP2019 has 5 releases. There are a couple under the version 11.0 and more under 11.5. You will not be able to open a cptx file created with 11.5 with version 11.0. The opposite is possible.

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