November 3, 2020
Adobe Spark for Logo Creation
November 3, 2020
Adobe Spark for Logo Creation
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 2 people

What has been your experience in using Adobe Spark image creation? It’s easy to use and intuitive for those in the beginning stages of media creation. Spark has hundreds of templates to select from in several categories. I created this logo image. What do you think of the design?

2021-11-30 03:49:05
2021-11-30 03:49:05

beautiful! great choice of tool too.

2020-12-04 21:55:08
2020-12-04 21:55:08

I love using Adobe Spark. Love your color choices here!

2020-11-06 22:19:00
2020-11-06 22:19:00

I really like your design. Spark is a great tool for this and other small design projects. I use it for a portfolio of sorts in my design classes.

2020-11-06 09:20:03
2020-11-06 09:20:03

Hi IDLaura, I think your design and choice of colour scheme, look great to me, creating a compelling logo.

2020-11-05 15:59:25
2020-11-05 15:59:25

I enjoy using Spark for creating visual clues within our LMS. I usually take a cc photograph and place text over it for an interesting graphic.

2020-11-04 19:35:08
2020-11-04 19:35:08

Hi IDLaura. I like the simplicity of your design, but being a graphic designer I think you could implement more elements from the instructional and design aspects of your business. Your logo mark should incorporate those elements to really stand out and be understandable on its own. Overall its a very clean nice design.

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