November 21, 2020
Hidden slides / Completion settings 100% viewed slides in Adobe Captivate
November 21, 2020
Hidden slides / Completion settings 100% viewed slides in Adobe Captivate


Me gustaría que se visitaran algunas diapositivas solo si el usuario necesita recibir información adicional. Pero, por otro lado, necesito establecer en la configuración de finalización que se haya visitado el 100% de las diapositivas. En otros programas es posible ocultar estas diapositivas (y no cuentan al 100%) y poner hipervínculos que te lleven a ellas, pero en Adobe Captivate si ocultas una diapositiva no puedes acceder a ella.

¿Alguien tiene una idea de cómo hacer esto posible?

Un saludo

2021-11-30 03:27:42
2021-11-30 03:27:42

comments so helpful as always

2020-11-23 11:14:38
2020-11-23 11:14:38

I would need to check the project in all its features of course, but believe it is possible.

BTW CpExtra replaces lot of JS workflows without needing to write scripts. It may help you with this score/attempt as well. Maybe I answered your question about score decrease with attempts, but only for scores not to be transferred to a LMS.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-24 15:01:59
2020-11-24 15:01:59
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Yes, you did answer me a few weeks ago about the attempts, in that conversation I met the CpExtra widget.

maria carmenu32233869
's comment
2020-11-24 15:17:33
2020-11-24 15:17:33
maria carmenu32233869
's comment

Trying to keep my memory trained 🙂

2020-11-23 09:37:08
2020-11-23 09:37:08

The easiest way to solve this is to buy and use the CpExtra widget (HTML widget) by InfoSemantics (Australia). It allows you to mark slide automatically to be visited even if they are not visited.

Alternative: do not use Slide views, but have one scored button which each user needs to clicks before leaving the course. That way you can create your completion criteria based on a quiz score. Several LMSs don’t accept only slide views, and sometimes only considered a slide to be visited when all frames have been viewed, which is rarely the case when you use buttons in slides. You better turn on Branch aware in Quiz Preferences as well.


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-23 10:01:36
2020-11-23 10:01:36
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

In this case I can’t use the scored buttons because the course is like a game in which the student accumulates points (gems) as he answers questions or presses a button. There can’t be an amount of points needed to finish the course, the requirement has to be that you see all the slides.
In some cases, clues may be requested if a question has been missed in order to answer it again.
The good thing is that from what you tell me the CpExtra plugin solves the problem, maybe it is time to buy it.

Greetings and thank you very much

maria carmenu32233869
's comment
2020-11-23 10:30:11
2020-11-23 10:30:11
maria carmenu32233869
's comment

You don’t need to add the scores of the game to the Total score, you don’t even need to show the score slide. I just tried to help solve the problem.

I never promote anything I don’t believe it. That CpExtra widget is really more than worthwhile, because it is adding so much functionality to Captivate. Try to read about it on their site, and you can try it out, they offer a trial version.  You will not regret.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-23 11:04:15
2020-11-23 11:04:15
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Entonces tendría que poner que se finalice cuando la prueba se ha intentado, verdad? Imagino que no es posible que un solo botón de por finalizado un curso si hay diapositivas de pregunta.

Si es sí, creo que mi problema entonces sería que algunos alumnos no han contestado todas las preguntas, porque los que no han necesitado la pista para contestar no han tenido que responder la pregunta a la que les lleva la pista, que no es la misma porque necesito que valga menos puntos, (tengo la misma pregunta 2 veces: con dos puntos en la primera versión y un punto en la segunda) ya que sin javascript no es posible dar puntos por intentos intenté solucionarlo así. El plugin CpExtra para conseguir que puntúe por intentos necesita un extra.
No se si me he explicado muy bien…

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