I would like to be able to run an advanced action when a user makes a selection on a drop-down list. I do not want to require the user to also press a button for the action to take place. I want it immediately. I would like to be able to execute actions when a widget is used. This is for the purpose of making the lesson as interactive as possible without requiring the user to make more clicks than minimally required. Any idea on how to do it?
I am looking for something similar for a multiple choice question but I rather not mix things and I will ask that in a separate thread.

what did you end up deciding? would love to hear you reflect on this a year later
Hyperlinks, as I mentioned and offered a link.
I want to use the dropdown option. It has the 14 point limitation but it is the one that looks cleaner and more professional. Developing my own dropdown by drawing rectangles and including hyperlinks on them is OK for k-12 but not for HigherEd or professional modules. Moreover, people are used to the dropdown, know how to use it, and looks professional.
Sorry, but you cannot convert the options in dropdown to hyperlinks.
In the interactive video I used an effect to open the dropdown list, where you can insert hyperlinks. All interactions are closed plugins. Without the source code you cannot edit them.
Here is the link to the video:
Here is the second link.
If you want to see an example, search for the post ‘Custom Play/Pause button’, the most recent version. It is an interactive video with a dropdown menu. BTW it can also be a pop’up’ menu of course.
I suppose you mean the Learning Interaction, not the widget which is only compatible with SWF output. Widgets are in a different folder. It is confusing, because they both have the extension wdgt. The Learning interactions are compatible with HTML5 output, the widgets not.
You will need to create a custom dropdown list, where you can have a hyperlink on each of the items. A hyperlink is sort of a hybrid event launcher, it has a more limited list of actions that can be done but Advanced action is one of them.
Have a look at this blog post, which I created with a bookmark menu for Interactive video in mind, but which you can use for this purpose as well:
To avoid waiting time which occurs when inserting more than 1 hyperlink, I will post a link to an older post, specifically created for dropdown menu in a separate comment.
I read your blog “dropdown-interaction-tips” and what I see in your movie is what I want to do. I see that as soon as I select an option in the dropdown, something happens (in your case you show the updated value in the screen). I have read and reread it but I still cannot figure out how it is done. The dropdown interaction is a static interaction. Therefore I cannot assign an action to it. To which object did you assign the actions?
I guess I could have another object that shows up towards the end of the slide that checks to see if the value of the dropdown has changed and if it has changed it then executes my advanced action and if it has not then it restarts that slide. But I do not think that is what you did.
Would you be so kind as to explain what was it that you did to “run” the advance action once the user has made a selection/
Custom Play/Pause button