Is there anyone using AWS Smerian as the server after publishing the VR content? Or, if you have any recommended server, please let me know.Thanks!
Sumerian supports a number of VR headsets (you can sign up for a free account to test it out) but again, I think you have to build content on Sumerian – I haven’t seen anywhere on the dashboard where you can upload a project; only assets (believe these need to be in .obj format). I haven’t support for Windows Mixed Reality headsets (which is what I have).
Do you mean Sumerian? I think Sumerian is a platform where you would actually build and run a VR/AR project (not certain you can upload a published Captivate project to it). I’ve loaded a few Captivate VR projects I was tinkering with just to check out the new feature (with no SCORM) to my portfolio website, and viewed them in both a desktop browser and on my mobile in ‘VR’ mode (with Google Cardboard). I haven’t built a VR project for use in an LMS but I know there are others here who have. Do you have an LMS that you need to load it to?
Hello Kim,
Thank you for your comment.
My client is already using a VR head-mounted display.
They were using a service but want to stop using it.
The reason is that the service is expensive and it is not possible to upload what was edited with Adobe Captivate.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations for platforms or servers that can be used for viewing using a head-mounted display.
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