Hi guys, I’m new to captivate I discovered it because I needed to create an on-boarding course for my current company in Colombia and I was developing presentations in canva mostly because their wide variety of graphic design elements available. I have to insert and audiotrack for each slide and thats why I got int captivate, however Canva doesnt give an option to export my presentation as a Power point file and the pdf file looks distorted. Someone have had run into the same issue? if so, what’s the solution?
Thanks guys.
I would like to know if what you have mentioned Paul, about Canva, works?
I haven’t tried it but my guess was that I opened Canva at the time that I answered this question and tested it out (it was over a year ago). Give it a try and report back to us if you got it to work.
I just checked because I was sure that Canva did allow you to save a Canva presentation as a PowerPoint and you can. https://designschool.canva.com/tutorials/presenting/save-canva-presentation-powerpoint/
I see two options for you here. The first is to export your Canva as a PDF. You can use a Web Object to display a PDF on your slide. The second option might be more desirable but you may have to test to see if it works. Click on the three-dot icon on Canva and select embed. Copy the embed code for your published Canva. In Captivate, also add a Web Object. In the Properties Inspector for the Web Object select embed and paste the embed code you copied from Canva into the text field. Preview your project and see if it works. I have no idea if this will work but that would be the procedures I would try.