April 7, 2022
Formatting for Mobile
April 7, 2022
Formatting for Mobile
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am fairly new to Captivate and am developing a course that will be viewed on both desktop and mobile.

I created a software a simulation and saved as responsive. Those slides work great.

I added a Title slide before the start of the simulation. The images on the title slide are all wonky when I preview it with Live Preview on Devices. The formatting is messed up. (I am also adding Knowledge check slides.)

What do I need to do so that the title slide displays correctly when viewed on a mobile device?

Thank you!


2022-06-16 00:36:05
2022-06-16 00:36:05

Great answers, Lieve! I didn’t even think about the fact that formatting could be wonky on mobile.

2022-04-12 08:44:52
2022-04-12 08:44:52
2022-04-12 08:43:48
2022-04-12 08:43:48

I have answered this question yesterday, but my answer disappeared. Or it has not passed the moderation because I inserted a link to one of my blog posts.

Do you use a responsive theme? You can check this by navigating to the Quizzing master slides (since you talk about quiz slides as well) and check if there are Fluid Boxes on those slides. To give you more details about the default setup on Fluid Boxes master slides, I pointed to a blog explaining that setup but that probably caused why the answer was not approved. I will post this link again, but in a separate comment so that you get at least this answer.

It is more difficult to check on the master slide you have used for the Title: did you create that slide based on a Title master slide or did you start from the Blank master slide? BTW Blank master is what is used for the software sim slides as well.

2022-04-11 10:01:58
2022-04-11 10:01:58

Are you in a Fluid Boxes project? Can you check the Master slides to see if they have already Fluid Boxes?

Theme, which include the Master slides, should be a responsive theme. That is clearly visible in the Quizzing master slides, where the Fluid Boxes are ready for you. I don’t know which master slide you have used for the Title slide. 

Look at this blog post, which explains the fluid boxes in the Quiz master slides. Those slides are used both for scored Quiz slides and for Knowledge Check slides:



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