Hi there Captivate family! This is my first post on the Community and I hope to receive your valuable views.
With all the buzz around adaptive elearning content, our organization is looking at implementing the same for the senior-level folks. We plan to give multiple learning options for the selected topics. Later on, the plan is to scale it up to all the learners across levels. Kindly suggest suitable LMS options that support adaptive learning paths along with some real-time feedback about how adaptive learning can be a smooth transition. Looking forward to any recommendations/suggestions.
Hey David. Welcome to the community! I use EdApp for my organization. The brain boost feature of the platform is so amazing and never lets you and your learners down. It can be accessed on mobile and uses gamification to motivate the learners. It is free to use.
Welcome to the community David. Things seem to be slow, but don’t give up. You definitely will get help here. Here is this from me- Try using Learn Amp because of its decentralized feature and easy-to-use interface. It is adaptable and really simple to use.
You didn’t have any reactions (yet). This is a very broad topic, which can only be realized by using a tight collaboration between the authoring tool and the LMS used to manage the users and their learning path.
Captivate has features allowing personalisation, the quiz option ‘Branch aware’ is one of them. It allows to make the quizzing system variables dynamic and the values of those variables are the vehicles to report to the LMS. You can combine a pretest with conditional actions to limit the content slides to be viewed based on the result of the pretest. You can tweak the default Quiz settings to add more personalisation. You can use interactive video which has bookmarks allowing more personalisation etc…
Just know that the first reason I searched for a tool like Captivate in college was to provide more personalized content to my students, to be able to use flipped classes and project-based learning.
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