February 29, 2024
Automatic scrolling based on timeline?
February 29, 2024
Automatic scrolling based on timeline?
Followers: 0 people

Hi all,

Was looking for information about automatic scrolling in Captivate and I came across this post about using a Javascript code that would automatically scroll when a learner clicks a button. This was sort of helpful but I was wondering if there was a way (using Javascript or other means) to have a slide auto scroll after a certain amount of time has passed or when narration ends during one content block to automatically scroll to the next content block.

Hopefully this makes sense, thanks for any help!

1 Comment
2024-03-01 10:08:51
2024-03-01 10:08:51

You are using version 12.2 I presume? Since the scrolling feature has been extended in that version and the post by a staff member refers to that feature.

I am still dabbling with the new version since it is impossibe to use it for the consultancy jobs requested by my clients. Based on my long experience with Captivate I was looking immediately for two specific exposed system variables which were available in all previous versions, and their renamed new versions: cpInfoElapsedTimeMS and cpInfoEpochMS.

Too bad that they are no longer exposed in version 12. I have used those system variables all the time to create shared and advanced actions where a timing question like yours was important. Many of those solutions are still active because most clients still remain on version 11.5.5 until the new version has all the features they need. I would now need more JS skills to replace them.

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