Any specific major drawback in ‘Breakpoint Mode’ Responsive design

I develop projects with Break point Mode as well as with Fluid Boxes. Both have pro & cons. But, Captivate 2019, does not give direct option of creating a project using ‘Break point Mode’. There must be some reason in (Cp official developers)their mind. So my question is that only. Any major drawback in ‘Break point mode’ ? Or is it going to be fully removed in future version(similar to Flash, which is almost ignored now a days.) ?

Smart shape as Background in Responsive project

In Captivate manual, there is one sentence with reference to the BreakPoint mode … “…. Set one smart shape as a background image in Responsive project and you are allowed to set crop area for the background image in different views….” I could not find how to set “Smart shape as background” and secondly, how that smartshape is related to the background image ? also I could not find croping of the Background image(as written in that sentence)” Help would be […]

Patch work in Video Demo

After creating video demo, I added small square shpe to hide one mistake. Colour of the shape box set exactly same to that of video. Everything was ok in preview. But when final Video created in publishing, color of that patch shpaed change slightly consequently one can easily identify that patchwork. Any solution to that?

Simulation of

This is Part-1 of “Windows 7 OS” Simulation where you can try many functions of real Windows 7. What you can do with this: Enter into CMOS setup (if you wish, press ‘DEL’ key just after pressing ‘power on’ button. Login with appropriate user. Password for User ‘C.K. Shah’ is 321 You can change the Theme of Windows 7 by right-clicking on Desktop and selecting “Personalization” You can even see “Resolution” by same way. Other feature of the right-click menus […]

Demo on ‘Windows 7 OS’ Simulation

This is Video of Demonstration of “Windows 7 OS simulation” developed in/using Captivate. The main Simulation would be uploaded in Blog section. This video shows how to use the simulation. Note: After seeing this, don’t forget to see (feel) REAL simulation uploaded in Blog section of this site.

How to display iconic size our photo next to our article(blog/video)?

When anyone posts blog /video /tutorial, in this community site, their thumbnail image get display along with his/her name. But that is not happening with my post! I already have uploaded my photo with my profile. How to display our iconic size photo next to our article(blog/video)?

Video Tutorial on Advanced Excel Function

Tutorial created in Captivate using Software Simulation.

Three HTML5 commands (TAG) that can help you to improve Captivate project performance.

As Captivate is mainly for creating eLearning type of things, the majority of the Captivate project contains heavy assets like Video, Audio, animation and what not. Also, due to, HTML5 has become the de facto standard for delivering any project output, chances are there that our project may perform slower. And the SAD part is that, developer rarely notice that till he finishes the project (as he is Testing on the same machine where Captivate output is.) In that situation, […]

Test Your Knowledge on ‘Basics of Captivate’

Captivate Test (Part 1: Basics of Captivate)

Adding Button in Quiz (Question Slide)

Limitation of adding button in Question Slide.

Check how much you know on ‘Quiz & Question Slides’ of Captivate.

Test Your Knowledge on ‘Quiz & Question Slides’

Test Your Knowledge on ‘Responsive Project’

Captivate Test on “Responsive Project”.